================================== FME 2023.2.0.0 "What's New" ================================== ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23763 20231130 ------------------------------ [Fix] ARCGISFEATURES: Unable to read layers that don't declare an Object ID ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23760 20231123 ------------------------------ [Fix] LineCombiner: drops "Combine On" attribute in "Drop Incoming" attribute accumulation mode if no list is built and more than 2000 groups are processed ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23759 20231122 ------------------------------ [Fix] CoordinateExtractor: fails when spaces or special characters are used to specify output x,y,z attribute name ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23757 20231118 ------------------------------ [Fix] DGNv8 Reader: unable to find texture files ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23756 20231117 ------------------------------ [Fix] HTML Table Reader via FeatureReader: fails when running entire workspace at once ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23755 20231117 ------------------------------ [Fix] FeatureMerger: incorrectly populates missing attribute values when outputting feature tables ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23754 20231116 ------------------------------ [Fix] FME AR Writer: Prompt for dataset specifies folder instead of file ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23752 20231111 ------------------------------ [Fix] Path Reader: Dataset paths containing globs broken ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23748 20231103 ------------------------------ [Fix] Classifier: fails if fewer features than classes enter it (with Natural Breaks) [Fix] FeatureWriter: Workbench unresponsive after importing feature type ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23743 20231027 ------------------------------ [Fix] Revit Reader: fails to read RVT file ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23742 20231026 ------------------------------ [Fix] ChangeDetector: Updated port drops attributes ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23739 20231021 ------------------------------ [Fix] OData Reader: Continues to reread the same page of records ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23738 20231020 ------------------------------ [Update] Excel Reader: Improve date/time type detection [Update] Excel Writer: Expose 'Freeze Rows' feature type parameter [Fix] Preferred Python Interpreter setting is not saved across Workbench instances [Fix] Python: Python virtual environment cloned from default ArcGIS Pro 3.x environment incorrectly detected as Python 3.0 [Fix] Revit Reader can't read back tree elements created by Revit Writer [Fix] Verified Hub objects are not showing the 'verified' badge in quick add ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23737 20231019 ------------------------------ [Fix] AI Assist: Dialog opens besides and above parent dialog when Workbench is on non-main monitor [Fix] FME Package installation fails with Anaconda 3 installed on the same system (Failed to import ctypes) [Fix] InlineQuerier: Changes XML attribute which fails in XMLFragmenter even when not using the attribute ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23736 20231018 ------------------------------ [Fix] Excel Writer: Workspace with Linked transfomers fails to write [Fix] FeatureJoiner: port hides feature attributes and only exposes fme_rejection_key & fme_rejection_message [Fix] File/Folder based Database Writers: unable to view existing tables when set to 'Create If Needed' causing overwrite [Fix] HTTPCaller: Add option to import OpenAPI Specification from Gitlab URL ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23735 20231018 ------------------------------ [Add] New Format: Cloud Optimized Point Cloud (COPC) Writer [Update] Snowflake Reader/Writer: Upgrade driver to v3.14.2 [Update] WFS Reader: Add "GetFeature Processing Mode" parameter, with "Stream Mode" (default) and "Download Mode" options [Fix] Excel Writer: Warning message displayed when running workspace in Flow with Excel installed [Fix] Geopackage: FME generates geopackages that causes ArcGIS Pro to crash [Fix] Inspector: Error with fan-out (group_by) ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23734 20231016 ------------------------------ [Fix] PythonCaller: FME Feature Attributes picker cannot be expanded in FME 2023.1 ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23733 20231013 ------------------------------ [Fix] HTTPCaller: Import causes crash when selected endpoint is invalid [Fix] JPEG Reader: unable to use google drive URLs ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23732 20231012 ------------------------------ [Fix] OAuth 2.0 Web Service template: client secrets in Refresh Token URL sent as plain text cause 400 error when special characters are involved ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23731 20231011 ------------------------------ [Update] DGNv8: Read 3D solids of type 8, SmartSolids as true solids, and 3D surfaces [Update] Databricks Reader: Support table history / time travel [Fix] MapInfo Writer: attribute names are limited to 30 characters instead of 31 ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23730 20231010 ------------------------------ [Update] HTTPCaller Import: Expose warning/error details from parser [Update] HTTPCaller: Display API name and version in import dialog [Fix] Esri Geodatabase (File Geodb Open API): Dynamic writing should work for multipoints ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23729 20231006 ------------------------------ [Add] Data Inspector: Replace Stamen background maps [Update] DI: Add default background maps group in context menu, integrate new Stadia service [Fix] Restore the "Presets" button to the OpenAPI endpoint selection dialog ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23728 20231005 ------------------------------ [Update] MapTextLabeller: Add deprecation warning to 2023.1+ [Fix] HTTPCaller Import: Open button appears after selecting file with file chooser ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23727 20231004 ------------------------------ [Fix] Geopackage Reader: rounds datetime attribute to nearest second [Fix] Geopackage Writer: mapping areas to surface instead of polygon [Fix] Python: fmeobjects.FMELogFIle() getMessage() and logMessageString() causes crash in virtualenv ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23726 20230930 ------------------------------ [Update] DI: Hardcode the new Stadia Maps Reader background map option in the recent maps list [Update] DI: Remove STAMEN basemap option from the UI [Update] Databricks Reader: Default to Personal Access Token authentication [Fix] AttributeValidator: add default value for Validation Rule column [Fix] Mac: Workbench crashes when upgrading transformer ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23725 20230929 ------------------------------ [Fix] Aggregator: 1M input features grouped by 10k attribute values outputs almost 1M aggregates [Fix] Aggregator: error running translation in bulk mode [Fix] Esri Licensing: ESRI Licensing not working with ArcServer if ArcServer and Pro both installed ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23723 20230928 ------------------------------ [Update] Databricks Reader: Add SQL help for SQLCreator/Executor [Update] New Reader: Stadia Maps for background map ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23722 20230926 ------------------------------ [Update] Stadia Maps Reader: Automatically authenticate securely with Safe credentials [Fix] FeatureMerger: 4x slower in FME 2023.0 than in FME 2017.1 [Fix] Opening larger workbench files is 2.5-3x slower in FME 2023.1 than in FME 2023.0 ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23721 20230925 ------------------------------ [Fix] FeatureMerger no longer works with a string expression ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23720 20230922 ------------------------------ [Update] SQL Server (JDBC) Reader/Writer: Upgrade driver to v12.4.1 [Fix] AttributeManager (and GeometryExtractor): attribute value behavior / handling is different between FME Workbench 2022 and FME Workbench 2023 [Fix] DateTimeFunction fails in a TextAdder [Fix] SQLCreator: SQL not executed when only connected to schema port and feature cache is off ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23719 20230922 ------------------------------ [Fix] Cesium 3D Tile Writer: Inconsistent appearances when run in batch mode [Fix] OpenAPI: Reference cycles in spec files lead to crash [Fix] Shape Reader: Cannot read .shz file with international character in name ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23718 20230920 ------------------------------ [Fix] Clipper: slow performance with many overlapping or duplicate clippers [Fix] Clipper: small arc clipping workflow runs out of memory and crashes [Fix] Geodatabase Writer: Errors when using special characters in Match Column ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23717 20230919 ------------------------------ [Update] AutodeskDocsConnector: Update connection infrastructure to support Autodesk's OAuth2 API v2 [Fix] Compare Workspaces: Filter Changes dialog incorrectly mentions Server Parameters [Fix] Deployment Parameters section in Navigator is only displayed if there is an existing Deployment Parameter on Flow ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23716 20230915 ------------------------------ [Fix] AutoCAD (ACAD/RealDWG) Writers: create an empty file with garbled name on when writing to a non-English file name [Fix] Navigator: List of Upgradeable, Invalid, Disabled Transformers does not appear in the Navigator in some workspaces in 2023.1+ ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23715 20230914 ------------------------------ [Fix] AI Assist: error thrown at Form start up when the FME AI Service URL is blocked at org level ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23714 20230913 ------------------------------ [Update] HTTPCaller Import: Improve dialog sizing [Fix] Aggregator: doesn't respect Group By setting when receiving 10,000 features or more [Fix] Navigator: Transformers ordered by newest added instead of alphabetical A->Z ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23713 20230912 ------------------------------ [Update] GeoTIFF Writer: Add support for LERC compression [Update] HTTPCaller: Add option to import from OpenAPI Specification URL [Update] MapTextLabeller: Upgrade library to [Fix] ArcGIS Portal Writer: UPSERTS fail due to a failure while uploading the Append dataset [Fix] Feature Information Window: Fix crash when viewing feature that has no attributes [Fix] Revit reader: Include new Cobie attributes in schema ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23712 20230911 ------------------------------ [Fix] Feature Information Window: no longer shows attribute Value after expanding and collapsing Data Types column [Fix] HTTPCaller: Import of OpenAPI specification causes crash ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23711 20230909 ------------------------------ [Fix] Transformer Gallery: Some custom transformer's hover tooltips description displays incorrectly ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23710 20230908 ------------------------------ [Fix] GeoTIFF Reader: Re-enable LERC compression [Fix] Workbench: Accessibility crashes on macOS Intel ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23709 20230906 ------------------------------ [Update] HTTPCaller: Auto expand group boxes when imported values [Fix] Mac: Color picker reappears after use ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23708 20230905 ------------------------------ [Add] EvaluateExpression: Parsing performance [Update] QuickAdd: add tooltip for URL links [Fix] Clipper: Performance decrease in raster clipping with Esri Ascii Grid and many clippers [Fix] Feature Information Window: hang with lots of list attributes ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23707 20230901 ------------------------------ [Update] Apache Parquet Reader: Support reading files with GZip/ZLib and LZ4 compression [Fix] Workbench: Crash accessing input feature types on canvas on macOS ARM with Accessibility options (VoiceOver, Magnet) enabled [Fix] Workbench: Crash when (dis)connecting monitors on macOS ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23706 20230901 ------------------------------ [Update] Workbench: Warning dialog when installing Community component is oddly formatted [Fix] Excel Writer: fails to protect sheet when the writer uses a template excel file [Fix] FeatureMerger: not merging feature tables with only single feature [Fix] RasterToPolygonCoercer: label values are incorrect when not extracting nodata [Fix] SQL Server Spatial: Cannot write to fields of type nvarchar_max ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23705 20230831 ------------------------------ [Fix] SystemCaller: Incorrect warning for command that apparently runs correctly ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23704 20230829 ------------------------------ [Update] SQL AI Assist: Change 'Send database schema to AI' checkbox to be unchecked by default [Fix] Dependent Parameters: Can't move a dependent parameter into a Group Box if its parent is already in there ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23702 20230825 ------------------------------ [Update] StatisticsCalculator: Add "merge uncalculated attributes" option ------------------------------ FME 2023.2.0.0 b23701 20230824 ------------------------------ [Update] GeoPackage Writer: Change null datetime value to a valid date [Fix] AttributeCreator: space in a $(FME_MF_PATH) becomes new row GUI problem [Fix] Oracle Writer: fails to create table with more than 100 attributes