================================== FME 2023.0.0.3 "What's New" ================================== ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.3 b23315 20230607 ------------------------------ [Fix] Web Connections: Can not create web service for ArcGIS Portal Version 11.1 ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.3 b23310 20230531 ------------------------------ [Update] NAS Reader: update schemas to version 7.1.2 ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.3 b23306 20230525 ------------------------------ [Fix] AttributeCreator: conditional statement producing incorrect results ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.3 b23300 20230517 ------------------------------ [Fix] Parquet Reader: Fails with "NotImplemented: Peek not implemented" if Tester precedes writer ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.3 b23299 20230516 ------------------------------ [Update] IFC Writer: Add support for writing list properties ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.3 b23297 20230512 ------------------------------ [Fix] ArcSDE Geodatabase Reader: Table qualifiers are not present on 3.1 Geodatabase [Fix] Esri Geodatabase SDE Writer: Truncate operation slower in 2022 ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.3 b23296 20230511 ------------------------------ [Fix] InlineQuerier: bulk mode dropping geometry names ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.3 b23295 20230510 ------------------------------ [Fix] Esri Knowledge: Table drop fails when entity table is too large ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.3 b23292 20230505 ------------------------------ [Update] OGC GML (Geography Markup Language) Reader: make GML Feature Elements a tree view ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.3 b23291 20230504 ------------------------------ [Fix] Esri Knowledge Graph: Error when creating new table with Edit Session. [Fix] MRR Reader: Unable to read certain datasets [Fix] MRR Writer: appears to offset output when data RasterMosaicker is used ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.3 b23289 20230502 ------------------------------ [Fix] Scripted parameters cannot be made private ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.3 b23286 20230428 ------------------------------ [Add] UniqueIdentifierGenerator: add Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifiers (ULIDs) ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.3 b23285 20230426 ------------------------------ [Add] Workbench: Enable authoring in Workbench with FME Flow Deployment Parameters [Fix] HTMLLayouter: Failing to properly encode special HTML characters on macOS Intel [Fix] OGC API Feature Reader: queries layers but fails to retrieve features ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.3 b23284 20230425 ------------------------------ [Fix] Esri Knowledge Reader: missing features with two separate readers ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23281 20230420 ------------------------------ [Update] Download Wizard: update with FME Flow Connection toolbar action [Update] Publish / Download Wizard: remember last FME Flow Repository used [Update] Publish Wizard: update with FME Flow Connection toolbar action [Fix] JSON Reader: Excessive warnings when used with Generic Reader ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23280 20230419 ------------------------------ [Add] New Writer: Databricks ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23279 20230418 ------------------------------ [Fix] Geodatabase ArcSDE: Embedded connection not properly set for writer [Fix] Parquet Writer: Silently does not create partitions when partition attribute type is DECIMAL ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23278 20230417 ------------------------------ [Add] Compare Workspaces: View and integrate differences between components in two workspaces [Add] User Parameter Editor: Set Conditional Visibility of a parameter or group with simple conditional statements [Fix] Terminator: Does not end translation with a Group By set before transformer ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23277 20230415 ------------------------------ [Fix] AttributeValueMapper: Conditionals can cause crash [Fix] Parquet Writer: ListBuilder lists not written correctly [Fix] RasterBandCombiner: Group By leaks memory when features are rejected [Fix] Sharepoint List Reader: Multi-selection and User/Group column is NULL when read [Fix] Sorter: Incorrect Bulk Mode sort ordering when sorting attributes stored as strings Numerically [Fix] VoronoiDiagrammer v7: Group Processing parameters should be nested in a checkable group box like available in v8 ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23276 20230414 ------------------------------ [Add] New Transformer and Package: YAMLtoJSONConverter ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23273 20230406 ------------------------------ [Add] New JDBC Format: Azure Synapse Analytics (SQL Data Warehouse / Dedicated SQL pool) [Fix] JSON Reader: reading large values incorrectly ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23272 20230405 ------------------------------ [Update] HTMLExtractor: Add ability to get text-only value of an HTML tag [Fix] Data Inspector: incorrect database connection used when opening dataset in Data Inspector from Visual Preview in Workbench [Fix] SQL Server Writer: Log message is reporting data type varchar with double the length incorrectly [Fix] SQLCreator SQLExecutor: does not preserve bulk mode in the "Result" outputs if the "Schema" port is connected ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23270 20230401 ------------------------------ [Add] Python 3.11 Support for FME [Add] macOS: Add native Apple Silicon support [Update] VertexCreator: Re-enable adding vertices to Point geometries to make Lines [Fix] CSMapReprojector: unable to load Netherlands grid when install folder is read-only on Linux/macOS ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23269 20230331 ------------------------------ [Update] Transformers: Version and rename all FMEServer prefixed transformers to FMEFlow [Fix] Esri Knowledge: provide a detailed error when connecting to a server because of incompatible ArcPro version [Fix] IFC: FMEPipe geometries corrupted when writing [Fix] TextStroker: Rejected port leaking memory ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23268 20230330 ------------------------------ [Fix] SQLCreator & SQLExecutor: Oracle Workspace parameter value is lost after reopening Workspace ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23267 20230329 ------------------------------ [Add] New Reader: Databricks [Update] Workbench: Update display name for FME Server Web Service to FME Flow [Fix] DGNV8: Two-point line becomes single point on Linux (ARM and Intel) and macOS ARM native [Fix] Geodatabase SDE: Feature Datasets with invalid characters are created and are corrupt ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23266 20230328 ------------------------------ [Add] Linux: Add support for Red Hat 9 [Update] Revit Reader: Enable reading of Materials Area/Volume when methods are implemented [Update] Workbench: warn when installing any FME Component from Hub in Workbench ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23265 20230325 ------------------------------ [Fix] SQLCreator: MySQL schema displayed for tables is incomplete missing unsigned float/double columns ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23264 20230324 ------------------------------ [Update] AttributeManager: UI improvements to Attribute Type Handling when using Import from Feature Cache [Update] SQL Server (JDBC) Reader/Writer: Upgrade JDBC driver to 12.2.0 [Update] UniqueIdentifierGenerator: Support ulids (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifiers) [Fix] Revit Reader: Errors while reading specified file ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23263 20230323 ------------------------------ [Update] Snowflake Reader/Writer: Upgrade JDBC driver to v3.13.28 ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23262 20230322 ------------------------------ [Fix] Revit Reader: handle failures to get element materials more gracefully ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23260 20230320 ------------------------------ [Fix] AutoCAD Writers: RealDWGWriter::writeStandardAttributes: 'eOutOfRange' error is unclear for users ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23259 20230317 ------------------------------ [Fix] Revit Reader: does not read Structural Identity Data ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23258 20230316 ------------------------------ [Fix] OBJ: improve logging for unsupported MTL tokens ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23257 20230315 ------------------------------ [Fix] ACAD to ACAD: Generate Workspace: errors on some features ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23256 20230314 ------------------------------ [Update] Data Inspector: use same dataset configuration from Start tab for Open Dataset and Add Dataset actions [Fix] AIXM Writer: Update mode does not work without aixm_update_ID attribute - adding extra mid attributes ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23255 20230311 ------------------------------ [Update] Cesium 3D Tiles Writer: add parameter to control output file structure [Fix] Sketchup Writer: For some aggregate geometry levels their geometry traits (sketchup_layer_name) overwrite the trait in the face geometry level ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23254 20230310 ------------------------------ [Fix] Esri Knowledge Reader: Fail to read entities after reading from a relationship. [Fix] GeoTIFF Reader: using search envelope results in error [Fix] Parquet Writer: Writing repeated fields / list attributes drops columns ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23253 20230310 ------------------------------ [Update] Parquet Writer: Add partitioned dataset support [Fix] FeatureMerger: used to work, now translation fails without enough memory ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23252 20230308 ------------------------------ [Fix] Clipper: Composite surface incorrectly clipped [Fix] Creator: when using Norwegian OS locale UTF error occurs [Fix] FeatureReader: Crash when setting format with Norwegian locale [Fix] ZLib: Creates corrupt zip files when writing datasets over 2GB ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23251 20230307 ------------------------------ [Update] DGN Writer: Support true colours [Fix] GRIB Reader: Read coordinate system incorrectly from provided file [Fix] SQL Server Writer: UTF8 values are changed when writing to DB ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23250 20230307 ------------------------------ [Fix] Openflight Reader: Returns null geometry for valid workspace on macOS ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23249 20230303 ------------------------------ [Update] PointOnAreaOverlayer: Support both areas and points in bulk mode [Fix] GEODATABASE_SDE: Problem with Attribute name length when underlying db is postgressql [Fix] PostGIS / PostgreSQL writer: fails on corrupt encoding; reject features with bad encoding [Fix] ShapeReader: showing duplicate values for DBF while not in GIS Application (Pro, QGIS) ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23248 20230303 ------------------------------ [Update] New Format: GEOJSON-ND Reader / Writer [Fix] Esri Geodatabase ArcSDE writer: unexplained error Error occurred using IFeatureClassLoad::put_LoadOnlyMode(FALSE). [Fix] GeometryExtractor: creates invalid WKT or WKB if coordinate values are very small ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23247 20230302 ------------------------------ [Add] Compare Workspaces: Integrate with command line Git tools to launch diff and merge operations in Workbench. [Update] AutoCAD DWG (RealDWG): Read custom coordinate system ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23246 20230228 ------------------------------ [Update] Parquet Writer: Add support for list attributes of list attributes [Update] StatisticsCalculator: Reduce memory usage if only the Summary port is connected and all features have been emitted ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23245 20230228 ------------------------------ [Update] ArcGIS Online Feature Services: Extend retry policy and include 429 Too Many Requests [Fix] DGNV8 Reader: cell name read incorrectly [Fix] Oracle Writer: Upsert mode results in error if attributes are not in correct order or missing [Fix] PDF2D Reader: does not read custom coordinate system embedded in PDF file [Fix] S57 Reader: Error message emitted when ignoring action to take update files in FME Workbench ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23244 20230224 ------------------------------ [Update] New Transformer: Classifier [Update] TopoJSON Writer: Write multiple feature types to single TopoJSON file [Fix] DGNv8: normalize rotation angles [Fix] PROJReprojector: Error when online grids aren't available due to SSL cert problem ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23243 20230223 ------------------------------ [Update] New Format: JSON-ND Reader / Writer [Fix] AutoCAD Object Data Reader: In Raw Relational mode, autocad_od_entity_key is read as user attribute instead of format attributes ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23242 20230221 ------------------------------ [Update] FeatureColorSetter: Add gradient color scheme [Update] Parquet Reader: Add support for repeated fields / list attributes [Fix] Esri Knowledge Graph: New tables not showing up in table listing [Fix] File Geodatabase: 'FILEGDB' has changed the process locale to 'C' [Fix] GeoTIFF: cannot read files that contain Swedish character on Linux ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23241 20230218 ------------------------------ [Fix] ArcSDE Geodatabase with SQLExecutor/SQLCreator: DROP TABLE error running translation with ArcGIS Desktop only [Fix] NetCDF+BAG Reader/Writer: Crashes on macOS ARM native installer from HDF5 error ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23240 20230217 ------------------------------ [Add] Data Inspector / Visual Preview: optimize performance of rendering 2D vector graphics [Update] Esri .hdr RAW Raster: Update the format name to Esri HDR RAW Raster [Update] Esri Knowledge: Update for compatibility with Pro 3.1 / Enterprise 11.1 [Fix] AttributeFilter: can crash with Import from Dataset using a large dataset [Fix] Esri Ascii Grid writer: Writes nodata value for rasters that don't have one, if the previous raster had one [Fix] IFC: Incorrect locations for IfcAnnotation features [Fix] OpenScene Graph/OpenFlight Writers: "Compression Level" parameter warning [Fix] PostGIS: FeatureReader/SQLExecutor: Ignore Nulls: Null attributes becomes Empty instead of getting a correct value ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23239 20230216 ------------------------------ [Update] S57 Reader: Update files. Check the version of the update file (.001, .002, etc.) matches the version of the root file (.000) [Fix] AutoCAD (RealDWG) Writer: Xref problem with relative path [Fix] DGN V8 Writer: uses color 241 instead of NoFill when fme_fill_color is blank [Fix] PCD Reader/Writer: Not available on macOS ARM native installer [Fix] PointCloudSimplifier: PointCloudManipulatorFactory not available on macOS ARM native installer [Fix] PointOnAreaOverlayer: rejects 1000 features but logs that 500500 features had incorrect geometries ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23238 20230215 ------------------------------ [Update] VertexNormalRemover: Add a new transformer to remove vertex normals from geometries [Fix] AutoCAD Writers: do not respect Lock Position setting on template Block attributes [Fix] TextStroker: version 5 ignores font picker text size ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23237 20230214 ------------------------------ [Update] DateTimeStamper: add @DateTimeRound() ** 1 KC Idea [Update] RasterExpressionEvaluator: Add warning if Nodata values found [Fix] BoundingBoxReplacer: Incorrect results for Text features with non-point location geometry [Fix] KML reader: Fails to read KML or KMZ if file extension is not specified on dataset URL [Fix] POD Writer: changes point density after writing the first feature ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23236 20230214 ------------------------------ [Update] Clipper: add parameter to toggle adding a alpha band when clipping an RGB Raster with an irregular polygon [Fix] Excel Writer: Add support for writing localized Date/Time format ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23235 20230210 ------------------------------ [Update] LineCombiner: Improve Performance [Fix] Python FME Objects: FMEFeature.getGeometry() returns None for Oriented Arcs, Clothoids, and Pipes ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23234 20230209 ------------------------------ [Fix] FeatureReader: Schema feature not produced when incorrect case is passed to Oracle ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23233 20230208 ------------------------------ [Add] New Transformer: Trimble Connect Connector [Fix] Data Inspector: Can't save data for attribute names containing curly braces ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23231 20230206 ------------------------------ [Update] ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Portal Reader: resolve subtype description [Update] DGNV8 Reader: Add support for anonymous shared cells [Update] SQLCreator/SQLExecutor: Add File Geodatabase, ArcSDE, and Mobile Geodatabase formats ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23230 20230204 ------------------------------ [Update] @EvaluateExpression: Improve performance [Update] LabelPointReplacer: Improve performance [Update] Parquet Writer: Add support for repeated fields / list attributes [Fix] JPEG 2000 (GeoJP2/GMLJP2) Writer: JPX format type is not being labelled correctly within the file when GML is present [Fix] MSSQL_ADO: Password appears in clear text when logging certain errors ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23229 20230202 ------------------------------ [Fix] CenterPointReplacer: "Center of gravity" mode results differ based on number of points on line. [Fix] CenterPointReplacer: vertical polygon input produces NaN coordinate values [Fix] Revit Reader: Read empty parameters as blank attributes ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23228 20230201 ------------------------------ [Add] New Format: OpenJPEG JPEG2000 Writer [Update] Geopackage Writer: Add support for reading/writing 3D solids ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23227 20230131 ------------------------------ [Update] Logging: Add UTC Date/Time to the first few lines of the log file [Fix] FeatureReader: Unable to add Feature Type ports when reading File or Enterprise Geodatabase [Fix] JPEG2000 Writer: GML data gets written when the Custom GMLJP2 Option is not selected ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23226 20230130 ------------------------------ [Update] Licensing Assistant: text updates to match the terminology used in documentation [Update] TextStroker: Update default font to LiberationSans [Fix] Visual Preview: scrolling Table view with the arrow keys freezes Feature Information and Graphics views ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23225 20230128 ------------------------------ [Fix] ECW Writer: Not able to output new band names; warn that custom band names are not preserved [Fix] FeatureReader: CAT reader failing to read in 2023.0 [Fix] Oracle Reader: Can not read all tables with select statements ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23224 20230126 ------------------------------ [Fix] FME Workbench 2022.1.3+ crash on startup related to Qt6.Gui_fme.dll [Fix] File Geodatabase Reader in FeatureReader: does not read coded domains on schema feature [Fix] Mobile Geodatabase: remove main prefix during schema operations ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23223 20230125 ------------------------------ [Add] LineOnAreaOverlayer: New Mode to Split Areas With Lines [Fix] ECW Writer Version 2: fails to write file with EPSG coordinate system set [Fix] InlineQuerier: Alters attribute data types [Fix] MSSQL_ADO Writer: varbinary(max) vs. varbinary_max issue [Fix] SQLExecutor/SQLCreator: Ignore null parameters set to yes does not ignore nulls [Fix] Shapefile Writer: Error running translation when reading from SAV file du to bad memory access [Fix] Workbench: Light mode not applied properly on Linux if desktop theme is set to dark mode ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23222 20230125 ------------------------------ [Fix] ArcGIS Online Reader: Log warning when reading a Feature Layer with a View filter [Fix] Honour ArcGIS Compatibility workspace parameter when editing transformer properties [Fix] Oracle Spatial Writer: improve logging message when attempting to write geometry that is too large ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23221 20230123 ------------------------------ [Fix] ListExploder: edge case is 4 times slower in FME 2023 than FME 2019 ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23220 20230121 ------------------------------ [Add] New Formats: MapInfo MRR Writer [Fix] PythonCaller: Loading Open3D Python module causing tcmalloc Out of Memory error on Linux ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23217 20230117 ------------------------------ [Update] Remove Sort Attributes option from right click Transformer output port context menu [Fix] Reader 'SQL to Run' Advanced parameter editor 'Database Tables' loading message text is cut off ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23216 20230116 ------------------------------ [Fix] DataInspector, VisualPreview: open an FFS (brepsolid + color on IFMEFace + Feature table) crash [Fix] GeoTIFF Writer: add support for writing geotiff_generate_pyramids [Fix] NullAttributeMapper: Mapping numeric values to null causes attribute type to become string [Fix] SolidDissolver: removes coordinate system from output ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23215 20230114 ------------------------------ [Add] DatabaseJoiner: Improve performance [Update] JPEG2000 reader: Add option to select georeferencing source [Fix] AreaGapAndOverlapCleaner: remnants have no coordinate system [Fix] RealDWG Reader: fails on non-English file name ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23214 20230112 ------------------------------ [Update] XML Reader, XMLFragmenter, XMLFlattener, XMLFeatureMapper: Add option to ignore External DTD [Fix] Compare Workspaces options should always be enabled from the Start tab ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23213 20230111 ------------------------------ [Update] ArcGISOnline and ArcGIS Portal Writer: add Bulk Mode [Update] Revit Reader: Add Revit warnings as metadata feature type [Fix] ArcSDE Geodatabase Raster: Unable to write from File Geodatabase raster to ArcSDE Geodatabase raster [Fix] GeoPackage Vector Reader/Writer: Fix support for 2.5D surfaces ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23212 20230110 ------------------------------ [Fix] Inspire: update locally installed INSPIRE xsds (Soil.xsd) [Fix] Revit Reader: Add all attributes from the identity data group are set on room elements [Fix] StringSearcher: Matched Result parameter when left blank will still create an attribute [Fix] WebSocketSender/Receiver: Incorrect reference to FME Feature Attributes in 'Connection Preamble' ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23211 20230109 ------------------------------ [Update] Log: log attribute and feature type renaming resulting from name validation [Fix] AutoCAD (ACAD) Reader: Error running translation when "Read Geometry as Instance" with nested block [Fix] AutoCAD (ACAD) Reader: MText and Block name log issues when using Read as Geometry Instances ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23210 20230107 ------------------------------ [Update] ArcGIS Feature Services Readers: add support for subtype related domains ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23209 20230105 ------------------------------ [Fix] CosmosDB: Error when attempting to connect due to non-English locale [Fix] EsriReprojector: not recognizing Esri WKT read from source data [Fix] MapInfo Writer: fails to run when attributes data types are assigned using Automatic mode [Fix] Oracle Spatial Reader: Error `ORA-29875: failed in the execution of the ODCIINDEXINSERT routine ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23208 20230104 ------------------------------ [Fix] FeatureReader: 'Select File from Web' hidden from Dataset for Apache format [Fix] InlineQuerier: encoding error: '' is not recognized as a valid encoding name. [Fix] JPEG Reader: EXIF data not read from JPEG file [Fix] Microsoft Access Writer: remove "Compress Database When Done" parameter [Fix] OpenScene Graph Writer: pyramid/tile output not displaying correctly ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23205 20221223 ------------------------------ [Fix] PointOnAreaOverlayer: incorrect message logged when overlaying bulk mode points ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23204 20221223 ------------------------------ [Fix] RasterStatisticsCalculator: Value counting palettes produces undesirable values for certain palette interpretations ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23202 20221221 ------------------------------ [Add] New Format: FlatGeoBuf Reader/Writer [Fix] Excel Reader: Crash with no attributes in file when opening parameter window [Fix] PointCloudCoercer: Warns about dropping attributes even though they are preserved ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23200 20221216 ------------------------------ [Update] DGNV8: Read/Write Bentley Geographic Coordinate System [Update] HERE Background Maps: Add token authentication [Fix] LAS Reader/Writer: Could not load module "LIDAR_FME.dll" message appears in log [Fix] Revit Reader: no Coordinate System on Metafile.* non-spatial feature types ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23199 20221215 ------------------------------ [Update] DatabaseJoiner: Add a Preserve Feature Order option and expose Bulk Mode support [Update] Microstation DGNV8 Writer: support .dgnlib extension for Cell Library File in the writer parameters ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23198 20221214 ------------------------------ [Update] HDFSConnector: Improve logging of upload errors and HTTP debug messages ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23197 20221213 ------------------------------ [Fix] CSV2: Error with auto delimiter detection if too many spaces [Fix] File Geodatabase Open API Writer: Dynamic mode fails with error when fme_feature_type_name is missing [Fix] File Geodatabase to AutoCAD DWG: process locale changed from UTF8 to 1252 [Fix] GEODATABASE_SDE: update/check locale settings [Fix] SchemaMapper: Excel reader shows the incorrect worksheet in preview when feature types have identical attribute names [Fix] Sketchup Reader/Writer: Not working on Apple Silicon native installer ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23196 20221212 ------------------------------ [Add] AttributeManager and AttributeCreator: Add attribute data Type control [Update] FMW Reader: Add LAST_SAVE_DATE to Workspace Property group [Fix] ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Portal Writer: Fails when () are in the layer name [Fix] ArcGIS Portal Feature Service: Should access feature services "created from URL(public)" ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23195 20221209 ------------------------------ [Update] Geodatabase Reader: Read ArcGIS Pro Annotation Point Symbols [Update] Reader and Writer Gallery: change 'Details' button to 'Quick Facts... ' and redirect to Quick Facts page [Fix] ArcSDE Geodatabase: Incorrectly Interpreting Swedish Character (Ö) [Fix] HTTPCaller: fails with WWJD encoding error uploading JSON [Fix] Microsoft SQL Server Server Reader/Writer: does not correctly quote Table Qualifier ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23194 20221209 ------------------------------ [Update] MapInfo MRR Reader: Improve field and band name handling ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23193 20221207 ------------------------------ [Update] SalesforceConnector: Include option to pass through initiator values [Fix] AutoCAD RealDWG Writer: Current annotation scale on template file seems to overwrite multi-line text annotation scale ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23192 20221206 ------------------------------ [Update] InlineQuerier: Add a help button to the ‘Define Query Columns’ dialog [Fix] StringReplacer: error with Replace Text when some UTF* characters are present ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23191 20221205 ------------------------------ [Fix] DropboxConnector: Upload folder has an `' attribute in the log with the direct download link [Fix] Revit reader doesn't read metadata of system families ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23190 20221202 ------------------------------ [Update] Python FME API: FMESolid.orient() and FMESolid.isoriented() need options specified [Fix] Oracle Spatial Reader: Spatial intersect of multiple tables by a FeatureReader results in 'Error running translation' ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23189 20221202 ------------------------------ [Fix] Geodatabase Writer: Symbol Override Not Updated Correctly for ArcPro Annotations. [Fix] Shapefile Reader: Incorrect/missing values compared to other applications [Fix] Spatialite Writer: Excess Logging in Terminal on Linux/macOS ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23188 20221201 ------------------------------ [Fix] AreaBuilder: List attributes incorrect from the Incomplete port [Fix] DateTimeConverter: regression if a feature is rejected, other dates are not converted [Fix] MariaDB Writer: Honour features to write per transaction = 0 as "arbitrarily big transaction" and rollback on failure ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23187 20221130 ------------------------------ [Update] Coordinate System CSMap: United Kingdom add HS2 CRS + Grid files [Fix] Revit Reader: missing a row in the Metadata.FamilyInformation Feature Type ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23186 20221129 ------------------------------ [Fix] GEODATABASE_FILE: Should handle sentinel date value (Jan 1 1900) ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23183 20221123 ------------------------------ [Update] PointOnAreaOverlayer: Improve Performance of Area port [Update] Start Page: Order recent files list by starred then last opened date [Fix] Package installation in FME Server is crashing, causing jobs to fail ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23181 20221121 ------------------------------ [Update] AutoCAD: Read DWG blocks as geometry instances [Update] Revit Reader: Add Connection reading for Revit MEP Pipes and Fittings [Update] Revit Reader: Improve metadata for Levels + split to new metadata feature type ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23179 20221117 ------------------------------ [Fix] IFC Reader: truncates IFCINTEGER values to 32 bit ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23178 20221117 ------------------------------ [Fix] ArcSDE Geodatabase: Reenable override credentials and version control for connections [Fix] FeatureReader: Needs Feature Types to Read to be set for WFS reader [Fix] JPEG2000 Reader: slow reading when clipping to search envelope [Fix] SQLCreator/SQLExecutor: Schema port does not return value for JDBC formats [Fix] StatisticsCalculator: Calculating median/mode on an integer with all null values fails translation ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23177 20221115 ------------------------------ [Update] ACAD: Read transparency of area features [Update] ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: add option to overwrite Feature Service [Fix] Civil 3D Reader: No geometry mapping entry found for 'autocad_layout' or 'autocad_wipeout' in metafile error in FME 2022.1 [Fix] WorkspaceRunner: allow parameters within groups to reference attribute values ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23176 20221114 ------------------------------ [Update] Java: Move Windows Desktop+Engine to JRE 17 [Fix] FeatureReader/Spatialite Reader: Feature types to read must be explicitly specified when using a search envelope ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23174 20221109 ------------------------------ [Update] PostGIS Writer: stop splitting multi-polygons in new workspaces [Fix] Add Reader Dialog: Parameters button disabled for Custom Reader Formats ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23173 20221108 ------------------------------ [Update] PointOnAreaOverlayer: give a warning if in 'Areas First' mode, but a point arrives first [Update] Revit Native Reader: Improve materials support [Update] Unreal Datasmith: Enable on Ubuntu 22.04, Debian 11, and RHEL 8 [Fix] Geodatabase SDE: persistent connections interfere with ESRI licensing. [Fix] JDBC Readers: Error when SQLExecutor requests schema for DDL [Fix] SQLExecutor: incorrect SQL query generated when Feature Catching is on [Fix] Shape Reader: Crash when using search envelope ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23171 20221104 ------------------------------ [Add] Expand existing Format Reader to a Reader/Writer: add ArcGIS Server Feature Service Writer [Fix] FMEServerJobSubmitter: Attributes are encoded in V4 [Fix] SQL Server Writer: causes memory leak and crashes ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23170 20221103 ------------------------------ [Update] ShortestPathFinder: Improve performance [Update] StatisticsCalculator: Always produce bulk mode features from the Cumulative port [Update] VPF Writer: add support for "B" coordinate data type [Fix] Oracle 11g Spatial Reader: unable to return records due to a metadata error [Fix] Several Transformers: Advanced parameter group must come before the output attribute name groups ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23169 20221102 ------------------------------ [Update] StreamPriorityCalculator: Add bulk mode support ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23167 20221031 ------------------------------ [Update] ShortestPathFinder: preserve from-to line bulk mode features [Fix] GeoTIFF Writer: fails to write RBGA raster as Cloud GeoTIFF - "Output driver `VRT' not recognised." is logged [Fix] KML FeatureReader: changing "Delete Download Files" parameter to No causes FME to crash ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23166 20221028 ------------------------------ [Fix] SQL Server: query failing with double square braces in older workspaces with 2022 ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23165 20221027 ------------------------------ [Add] Revit Writing Phase 1 [Update] Microstation DGN and AutoCAD Readers: Add support for Esri WLD3 location files [Update] ShortestPathFinder: preserve bulk mode features out of the unused output port [Fix] SQL Server Reader: Reads numbers with comma ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23164 20221027 ------------------------------ [Fix] Geodatabase Reader: Support domains specified via subtypes [Fix] Geodatabase Writer: Support writing ArcPro Annotation containing a line [Fix] ShortestPathFinder: odd rejection behaviour when rejecting features while reordering from to lines ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23163 20221025 ------------------------------ [Update] Java: Move Windows Desktop+Engine to JRE 11 [Fix] Coordinate System Options: Problem adding new grid shift files [Fix] Coordinate System: Deprecate PRS1992 coordinate system [Fix] ListExploder: Rejected port drops geometry [Fix] Rasters: Matcher/ChangeDetector raster with nan offset doesn't match self ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23162 20221025 ------------------------------ [Fix] CRCCalculator: incorrect results when another instance in MD5 mode is upstream ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23161 20221021 ------------------------------ [Update] Coordinate System: Philippines add PRS92 Datum [Update] Dissolver: Improve performance [Update] KML Writer: improve parameter usability [Fix] Custom Transformer: does not "Handle With Published Parameters" [Fix] DatabaseJoiner: Accumulation Mode with Prefix Joined adds an additional '_' [Fix] SpatialFilter: Text bounding box ignores text's label [Fix] StringReplacer: Bulk Mode: Output is null when replacement text contains characters not representable in attribute encoding ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23159 20221019 ------------------------------ [Update] ImageFetcher: Add “Concurrent” and “Rate Limiting” parameters [Fix] MapInfo Extended Writer: Translation fails with list element as attribute instead of warning [Fix] PROJReprojector: some online grids are not properly logged ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23158 20221019 ------------------------------ [Fix] Reprojector: fails when using dynamic reprojection (AZMED/AZMEA) in bulk mode ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23157 20221017 ------------------------------ [Add] New Format: OpenJPEG JPEG2000 Reader [Update] OGC GeoPackage Writer: Add UPSERT support ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23156 20221014 ------------------------------ [Add] New Format: Esri Knowledge Graph. [Update] Esri Knowledge Graph: Preserve GlobalID when copying to a different Knowledge Graph [Update] NetworkCostCalculator: Add bulk mode support [Fix] Counter: Does not honor Count Scope and Domain in v3+. Also count values persist in subsequent translations (e.g. in FME Server or batch mode) [Fix] File Geodatabase: Does not support 'preserving GlobalIDs' [Fix] Linux: Spaces in ORACLE_HOME result in complaints from fmeenv ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23155 20221013 ------------------------------ [Update] NetworkTopologyCalculator: Add bulk mode support [Fix] CityJSON: Crashes when generating a reader when dataset has empty LOD values [Fix] File Geodatabase performance regression from FME 2021.2 to FME 2022.0 ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23154 20221012 ------------------------------ [Update] GeoPackage Reader: Add support for Write commands (using SQLExecutor) [Fix] Emailer: Gmail service fails with SSL error [Fix] Excel Reader: Unable to read columns with names containing * character [Fix] File Geodatabase Reader: FeatureReader only should not read attribute "Element" [Fix] PostgreSQL Reader: add support for unbounded varchar or character varying data type [Fix] fmeobjects Python API: Call to feature.getDonutParts() crashes 2022 ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23153 20221011 ------------------------------ [Update] Ingres Reader/Writer: Deprecate spatial and non-spatial formats [Fix] Buffer: rejects feature when a calculation is used for the Buffer Distance in FME 2022.2 [Fix] HTTPCaller: Multipart/form data upload does not allow @ character in string [Fix] ProjectWiseConnector: Can not update an existing file (IFC) larger than 30 MB [Fix] ShortestPathFinder: zero point line network feature causes translation failure; should reject instead [Fix] StreamPriorityCalculator: line feature with a negative weight is dropped with a warning that it's rejected ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23151 20221007 ------------------------------ [Update] SQL Server (JDBC) Reader/Writer: Upgrade JDBC driver to 11.2.1 ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23150 20221006 ------------------------------ [Update] Performance: Improve Linux by disabling semantic interposition [Update] Snapper: Improve Performance [Update] Snowflake Reader/Writer: Upgrade JDBC driver to v3.13.23 [Fix] FeatureWriter: consuming abnormal amount of memory [Fix] PROJReprojector: Improve logging for the grids used during a transformation and what local files or remote files they resolved to ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23149 20221005 ------------------------------ [Update] AttributeEncoder: Should expose "lossy" transcoding [Update] Esri Geodatabase ArcSDE: Add support for Database Connection [Fix] GeoTIFF Writer: Fails to write COG with BigTiFF, JPEG Compression and Generate Pyramids enabled [Fix] Geodatabase Mosaic Dataset Writer: fix raster type parameter dialog [Fix] SAV Reader: 2022.1.1 & 2022.2 are over 2x slower when compared to FME 2019.0 [Fix] SketchUp Writer: issue with the textures not being written on Faces ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23148 20221004 ------------------------------ [Update] OData Reader: add web connections as an authentication method [Update] WFS Reader: Add wfs_title exposable attribute [Fix] PointCloudFilter: Fixed older transformer versions outputting all features as unfiltered ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23147 20220930 ------------------------------ [Add] Data Inspector: Add Start page to mirror Workbench and Quick Translator [Update] Emailer: Add support for Microsoft Modern Authentication Method [Update] Tiler: preserve bulk mode features [Fix] JSONValidator: Properly distinguish between escaped and un-escaped control characters [Fix] Tweeter: Upload a max of 4 images with a tweet [Fix] XMLSampleGenerator: Incorrect value in sample for gml:tupleList element's ts (tuple separator) attribute ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23146 20220930 ------------------------------ [Update] Geocoder: Add Precisely's Geocoder as a geocoding service option [Fix] File Geodatabase: Pro annotations moved to 0,0 if Update Spatial Column(s) parameter is disabled when updating features ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23145 20220928 ------------------------------ [Update] EsriJSON: Add support for lengths on string attribute schema [Fix] AttributeManager: Opening, editing, and closing the transformer with the Parameter Editor window open causes the workspace to freeze [Fix] File Geodatabase: Element order of multi area are reversed in FME 2022+ [Fix] TIFF Reader: Fails with TIFFFetchNormalTag error for provided dataset ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23144 20220927 ------------------------------ [Fix] GeoTIFF Writer: fails to write COG with BigTIFF Enabled and JPEG Compression [Fix] JPEG Reader: Results are different if feature caching is used [Fix] SVG Writer: fill="none" value in the header invalidates use of file with the MapnikRasterizer ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23143 20220926 ------------------------------ [Update] Chopper: Preserve bulk mode features [Update] Triangulator: Improve Performance [Fix] File Geodatabase Reader: Double field is being rounded [Fix] GeoTIFF Writer: produces error about photomoetric interpretation 'YCbCr' requiring BIP interleaving, even when interleaving type is set to BIP [Fix] XMLTemplater: Using @Value for attributes causes crash ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23142 20220923 ------------------------------ [Fix] File Geodatabase Open API: reading certain dates incorrectly [Fix] GeometryValidator: does not detect missing texture coordinates on mesh [Fix] SurfaceModeller: Fails if Surface Model File contains a "ö" in its name [Fix] SurfaceModeller: Surface Model Base Filename does not work if path contains Æ or Japanese characters ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23141 20220922 ------------------------------ [Fix] Esri File Geodatabase Writer: Should not be able to set Template Geodatabase and XML Workspace Document at same time [Fix] FeatureReader: Initiator OGC Intersects Result spatial filter does not work for aggregate initiator features [Fix] File Geodatabase Reader: Unable to read ArcGIS Pro Annotation (Curved) ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23139 20220920 ------------------------------ [Update] Labeller: Add bulk mode support [Update] RasterStatisticsCalculator: Add a count option [Update] Tweeter: Allow attachment of multiple media files to a tweet [Fix] Esri File Geodatabase Writer: Writing Geometric networks should warn the user to set ArcGIS Compatibility to "Esri ArcMap" ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23138 20220919 ------------------------------ [Fix] File Geodatabase: Add log message when features have too low of a resolution to write [Fix] Planet reader: does not return lists of available items [Fix] Revit Reader: strokes circular pipes into octagon (added Tessellation Max Deviation parameter) ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23136 20220915 ------------------------------ [Update] LDAP Reader: Deprecate and hide format [Update] PROJReprojector: Upgrade to PROJ 9.1.0 [Fix] VoronoiCellGenerator: Fails if jobs run in succession on a Linux FME Server ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23135 20220914 ------------------------------ [Update] Oracle: add support to run stored procedure and return results via SQLCreator/SQLExecutor ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23134 20220913 ------------------------------ [Add] RCaller/InlineQuerier: Performance [Fix] Rejected Port: SQL Executor rejection messages are not consistent with log files ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23133 20220912 ------------------------------ [Update] Make PRJ interpretation case insensitive ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23132 20220909 ------------------------------ [Fix] IFC: Ensure donut boundaries are closed before they are triangulated ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23131 20220908 ------------------------------ [Fix] AttributeCreator: Crash on macOS after upgrading to 2022.1 [Fix] Python Connectors: Cannot use proxies starting with HTTP ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23130 20220907 ------------------------------ [Update] OpenSceneGraph/OpenFlight Writer: Add compression level setting for lossy compressed textures ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23127 20220901 ------------------------------ [Fix] Geometry User Parameter: initial bounds values are swapped if workspace opened in 2022.1 [Fix] InlineQuerier: changes data type from int to number(n.1) [Fix] S57 Reader: Generates odd missing DLL warnings (error in the reader pipeline file) ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23126 20220831 ------------------------------ [Update] GeometryValidator: log a warning when the "issue count" passes a threshold on a feature. [Update] Snowflake Reader/Write: Add Geometry data type support [Fix] File Geodatabase Writer: arcs are written as full circles when template file is specified [Fix] Revit Reader: Crashes when elements have invalid materials [Fix] Revit Reader: Errors when reading file that has units set to US Survey Feet [Fix] Workbench: Visual Preview Graphics View causes hang on RHEL8 ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23125 20220830 ------------------------------ [Fix] AttributeExploder: Ignore Attributes Containing parameter does not work when set to an attribute value [Fix] DGN: Item Type Properties of type Integer gets read as a negative when value is from 128 to 255 [Fix] MariaDB Writer: allow special characters to be written to table name [Fix] VertexCreator: resulting features contain incorrect values for fme_geometry and fme_type ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23124 20220830 ------------------------------ [Fix] Workbench: Error dialog about missing vcruntime140D.dll on launch ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23121 20220823 ------------------------------ [Fix] AttributeExploder: Non-bulk feature still output when processing bulk features [Fix] Excel Reader: cannot read file with Excel dates [Fix] JDBC Writers: Inconsistent behaviour between Access and SQL Server formats when upserting while matching attributes with null values [Fix] LDAP Reader: employeeID always read as integer [Fix] Revit Reader: Rectangular ducts not being read on specific floorplan view ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23119 20220818 ------------------------------ [Update] Python: Upgrade macOS to Python 3.10 [Fix] FME Bulk Mode Threshold parameter not set in Workbench causing FME Server engine to crash ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23118 20220817 ------------------------------ [Update] Revit Reader: Should provide BuildingLevel elevations in the project length units, not just feet [Fix] Excel Writer: Performance is significantly slower in 2022.1 compared to previous versions [Fix] SQLCreator/SQLExecutor: output: Improve communication to user when query has no schema ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23117 20220817 ------------------------------ [Fix] JSONValidator: Don't allow unencoded control characters ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23116 20220815 ------------------------------ [Update] RasterToPolygonCoercer: Improve performance [Update] Update ADAC reader with new MGA2020 coordinate systems [Fix] ChangeDetector: prevent switching between 'Upsert' and 'Insert & Update' modes via user parameter. [Fix] WFS Reader: translation fails when a search envelope is specified ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23115 20220811 ------------------------------ [Update] Revit Reader: Add support for schedule reading as features [Fix] Creator: STX character in text string parameter causes crash [Fix] Dynamic Writer: No definition found for input feature type 'ExtraPlan'. Ensure that fme_template_feature_type is not set incorrectly and that the feature type name is valid ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23114 20220809 ------------------------------ [Update] NAS Reader / Writer: Update to v7.1.1 [Fix] JSONFragmenter: Escape more control characters when writing JSON string values [Fix] ListSearcher: add case insensitive option [Fix] MapBox MBTiles Vector Tiles Reader: Generate Workspace function needs GeometryFilter for feature types with more than one geometry type [Fix] PDF2D Writer: Crashes on Linux ARM64 ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23113 20220808 ------------------------------ [Update] InlineQuerier: Update SQL functions for spatial columns [Fix] Prompt: Adding folder at run time doesn't add the format specific extension in some cases [Fix] WMTS Reader: errors when no images are at the tile ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23112 20220804 ------------------------------ [Fix] 2DGridAccumulator: drops coordinate system of the source features and the group by attribute value [Fix] DatabaseJoiner: Use statement string with bound parameters expanded [Fix] ESRIJSON Writer: Coordinate system cannot be interpreted by ArcGIS Pro [Fix] FeatureWriter: Fixed crash on connecting link to FeatureWriter transformer when its format is not set [Fix] GTI Viewer Writer: Changing feature type causes workbench to crash [Fix] GeometryValidator reports all 500000+ instances of OGC issues in this polygon, which is slow [Fix] HTTPCaller: Retry requests when a bad Content-Encoding response header is received [Fix] SQLCreator/SQLExecutor: fails using SQLite / Ensure schema from query has a unique fieldName set [Fix] Workbench: Format attributes are not exposable in formats without user attributes [Fix] Writer Feature Types: Manually unexposed Format Attributes are re-checked when User Attributes Mode is Automatic ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23111 20220802 ------------------------------ [Fix] Excel Reader: Make 'Trim Characters from Attribute Name' reader option support multibyte characters [Fix] KML Writer: Errors due to target dataset not existing ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23109 20220728 ------------------------------ [Update] GOIDGenerator: Improve performance [Update] InlineQuerier: Add support for geometry columns [Update] Snowflake Spatial Writer: Improve geography coordinate system handling [Fix] SpatiaLite Writer: Def line values treated as attributes [Fix] Upsert: MySQL formats incorrect behaviour when encountering where clause [Fix] WMTS Reader: Support Dimension to build RESTful URL ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23108 20220727 ------------------------------ [Add] Linux: Add support for Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) [Update] ARCGISPORTALFEATURES: Add Upsert support when using GlobalIDs [Update] InlineQuerier: Support bulk mode preservation when merging geometry [Update] Java: Upgrade Linux to JRE 17 [Update] Java: Upgrade macOS to JRE 17 [Update] Python: Always honour the workspace `Python Compatibility = Esri ArcGIS Python 3.x` values [Update] SHAPEFILE reader: does not report which shape file was read [Update] Snowflake Writer: Add support for bulk Updates and Deletes [Fix] 12D XML Reader: Arcs with angles greater than 180 degrees are read incorrectly [Fix] Cesium 3D Tiles Writer: remove cesium_priority format attribute [Fix] IFC Writer: Output has unexpected Z values when written out [Fix] User Parameters removed after accepting Python Compatibility conflict with Esri ArcGIS Compatibility ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23106 20220721 ------------------------------ [Update] EsriJSON Reader: Add support for circular/elliptical arc geometry [Update] Tiler: Improve FT building performance [Fix] 12dXML Reader: points containing radius features are interpreted as polygons, resulting in no geometry [Fix] WMTS: Temp files are not cleaned up when the raster reader cannot read a tile ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23105 20220720 ------------------------------ [Update] ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Add Upsert support when using GlobalIDs [Fix] Workbench: crash when deleting last element in HTMLReportGenerator Page Contents table ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23104 20220714 ------------------------------ [Update] FeatureColorSetter: Improve performance: Manual, Random, Random (Offest) colouring modes [Fix] ImageFetcher: Use case-insensitive comparison when searching for the HTTP Content-Type header ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23103 20220713 ------------------------------ [Update] FMEObjects API: Add a method to IFMELogFile log a message number with IFMEVariantArray parameters [Update] FMEObjects API: Add a method to IFMEVariant to set the value of a variant without needing an IFMEString [Fix] MariaDB/MySQL Reader: dates with format xxxx-00-00 00:00:00 are not read [Fix] Publish Parameters: ArcGIS Pro Data Interoperability does not honor some file extension ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23102 20220711 ------------------------------ [Update] Fixed Licensing (macOS): Use machine id rather than network interfaces ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23101 20220708 ------------------------------ [Update] AttributeExploder: Improve performance - Feature Mode [Fix] Snowflake Writer: "\N" strings are treated as null during bulk upsert / update [Fix] Snowflake Writer: Cannot update spatial column to "Null" geometry in bulk mode [Fix] Snowflake Writer: Empty strings are treated as null in bulk upsert / update ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23100 20220706 ------------------------------ [Fix] DuplicateFilter: add nullptr check to avoid a crash [Fix] ESRIJSON Writer: Allow configuration of output document type ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23099 20220705 ------------------------------ [Fix] Workbench: rare crash when opening workspace containing AttributeCreator with particular value string ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23098 20220705 ------------------------------ [Update] Snowflake Reader/Writer: Upgrade JDBC driver to v3.13.20 ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23095 20220629 ------------------------------ [Update] AttributeExploder: Improve performance - List Mode [Fix] MeshSimplifier: Rejects feature with the rejection code '_SIMPLIFICATION_AMOUNT' ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23094 20220625 ------------------------------ [Add] New Format: Airtable [Update] CKAN DataStore: Add fme_db_operation support ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23093 20220624 ------------------------------ [Fix] Formats: Fix file extensions (and doc) to offer individual filter lines [Fix] RCaller: Fails with R 4.2.0 [Fix] TimeWindower: handle space in Timestamp and Window ID attribute names ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23092 20220624 ------------------------------ [Update] PDF Writer: Add support for Linux ARM64 ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23091 20220623 ------------------------------ [Fix] WMTS Reader: Error while retrieving getCapabilities Object ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23090 20220621 ------------------------------ [Fix] AnchoredSnapper: Should log "invalid snap tolerance value" error as an error instead of as an inform statement [Fix] Logger: When I ask to log < -1 coordinates of my feature, all coordinates are logged [Fix] Revit Reader: Update Wall Structural Usage property correctly [Fix] WMTS Reader: Fix reading image/jpgpng tiles ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23089 20220620 ------------------------------ [Update] Microsoft SQL Server (JDBC) Reader/Writer: Upgrade JDBC driver to 10.2.1 [Update] Snowflake Writer: Add UPSERT support (bulk mode only) [Fix] EsriJSON Reader: Fix metafile error when reading back a written json_envelope [Fix] PointCloudComponentTypeCoercer: Default value for Conversion Type causes error ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23088 20220617 ------------------------------ [Update] Logging: Improve log messages when bulk features are not supported [Update] Workbench Start Tab: added graphic for Recent Files empty state [Fix] CSAR Point Cloud Reader: Fixed error reading blocks with zero points [Fix] FeatureReader: FMW Password parameter has extra dropdown button (differs from FMW Reader Parameters) [Fix] SQLCreator / SQLExecutor: should show all help and resize on group open [Fix] SQLCreator/MSSQL Non-Spatial: Encoding error after 10,000 records ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23087 20220617 ------------------------------ [Update] Revit Native Reader: Add more attributes to be read [Fix] GDAL_NDF: Typo in File Filter [Fix] OGC GeoPackage Writer: Non-collection geometries fail to write when generating workspaces or writing dynamically ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23086 20220615 ------------------------------ [Add] An Epic grouping of various Bugs fixed by the PDA team in 2022.0 [Update] FMEServerConfiguration Reader/Writer: Remove the format [Fix] Bufferer: dissolving road network with arc end caps hits fatal error [Fix] GeoConcept Map Reader: Japanese characters are not encoded correctly in Japanese locale machine [Fix] Landsat-8 on AWS Reader: Use Collection 2 dataset [Fix] MapInfo Writer: built in library loading warnings are visible in the log [Fix] SDK Python samples need to be updated to Python 3 ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23085 20220614 ------------------------------ [Fix] Excel Reader: Column names with .comment suffix do not appear to be read and no warnings ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23084 20220613 ------------------------------ [Update] Teradata Writer: Add UPSERT support [Fix] Cloner: Rounding discrepancy when number of copies is less than 1 compared to expected behaviour [Fix] FME Workbench: crash when creating connections if windows user name contained non-ascii characters [Fix] Geodatabase: Midpoint Preservation of Arc by 3 Points broken with ArcGIS Pro 3.0. [Fix] RasterTiler: Updated parameters to improve to match Tiler transformer changes [Fix] WMTS Reader: Added "Custom HTTP Headers for GetTile Requests" parameter ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23083 20220610 ------------------------------ [Fix] FTPCaller: Failed initialization against Azure Gateway endpoint on Linux [Fix] Shapefile Reader: Deleted .dbf records result in geometry getting incorrect attributes ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23082 20220609 ------------------------------ [Fix] Clipper: Multiclipping a surface can result in unexpected shrapnel [Fix] Microstation line colors not read correctly [Fix] Workbench: Fixed Linux ARM shows missing formats/transformers as available ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23081 20220608 ------------------------------ [Fix] DBase Writer: Option to write text-based or binary number storage is ignored [Fix] Excel Reader: Dynamic reading results in crash / translation error [Fix] Shapefile Writer: Check for and warn when total attribute size exceeds maximum supported by ArcGIS [Fix] Shapefile Writer: Fix incorrect output when both Created Compressed Shapefiles and Split Dataset into 2GB Files are enabled ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23080 20220608 ------------------------------ [Fix] Clipper: "Clip Outside Remainders" is slower than "Clip Originals" for rasters ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23079 20220606 ------------------------------ [Fix] ArcGIS Portal Reader: FME 2022 is slower than 2021.2.2 [Fix] DocumentDB: database connection Python Exception SSL error and FME WB crashes when placing writer on the canvas [Fix] FMW Reader: Don't read password protected workspaces without a valid password ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23078 20220603 ------------------------------ [Fix] Navigator: Replace Web Connection unable to replace Amazon Web Services [Fix] Shapefile Reader: Add option to preserve exact numeric values by storing internally as strings instead of binary [Fix] SpatiaLite Writer: Dynamic geometry writing fixed [Fix] Workbench Log: maintain current scroll location when changing filter ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23077 20220602 ------------------------------ [Fix] Excel Reader: Columns names containing '.comments' are read incorrectly [Fix] FeatureReader: using url for dataset would result in transformer being marked as invalid [Fix] Unfolded Reader: Incorrect schema geometry crashes the File Geodatabase writer [Fix] WFS Reader: Only 1000 features returned regardless of Max Features ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23076 20220601 ------------------------------ [Update] Generalizer: Improve performance [Update] OData Reader: expose timeout parameter and more to the user [Fix] JSONExtractor: Missing FME Feature Attribute in transformer ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23075 20220531 ------------------------------ [Fix] ArcGISOnline: Issue viewing non-spatial table shared with groups in FME Desktop 2022.0 (regression) [Fix] Data Inspector: View menu does not enable changing 2D geometry's mark end nodes settings ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23074 20220530 ------------------------------ [Fix] Clipper: when clipping a candidate with multiple clippers, v13 would output inside features in order of clippers and v14 outputs inside features in random orders [Fix] Data Inspector: Don't redraw existing features when reprojected data is ready [Fix] Data Inspector: Feature Information from table view does not refresh when multiple features selected [Fix] MapInfo Writer: Special characters are not written correctly for text objects [Fix] MongoDB Reader: Fixed secure connections to Mongo Atlas on macOS ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23073 20220528 ------------------------------ [Update] SurfaceModeller: Improve performance [Fix] Cesium 3D Tiles Writer: Features Disappear when viewed at an Angle [Fix] Geometry Filter: Error regarding an undefined macro 'OUTPUT__FTYPE' results in failed translation [Fix] GoogleVisionConnector: Library not loaded: @loader_path/.dylibs/libjpeg.9.dylib [Fix] PDA Writers: Investigate invalid character sets (feature type and attribute) ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23072 20220526 ------------------------------ [Update] DatabaseUpdater/Deleter: Add MySQL formats [Fix] Geodb SDE (Esri Enterprise Geodatabase) to RealDWG: Locale changed from utf8 to 1252 [Fix] Workspace Compare and Merge: Change Toolbar title and add Toolbar icon ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23071 20220525 ------------------------------ [Update] Microsoft Access (JDBC) Writer: Add Upsert support [Update] SAP HANA (+Cloud) Writers: Add Upsert support ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23070 20220524 ------------------------------ [Fix] Postgresql Reader/Writer - does not correctly quote Table Qualifier or Table Name ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23069 20220520 ------------------------------ [Update] LandXML Reader: fix imperial units Pipe outer/inner radius ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23068 20220519 ------------------------------ [Update] MS SQL Server / Azure JDBC Writer: Add Upsert support [Update] Microsoft Azure SQL Database (JDBC): Support Azure Active Directory password authentication [Update] Parquet Reader: Improve performance [Fix] LandXML Writer: fixed Invert{}.FlowDir [Fix] WMTS Reader: Add "Continue On Tile Image Error" parameter ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23067 20220516 ------------------------------ [Update] SpatiaLite Native Reader: Improve performance ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23066 20220513 ------------------------------ [Add] TestFilter: Performance [Update] TestFilter: add ability to do IF [Fix] DGN Reader/Writer: Teigha proxy keeps trying to open if it failed, and outputs a log message every time it does [Fix] Floating window position is not preserved after closing & re-opening workspaces ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23065 20220512 ------------------------------ [Fix] ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: failing on FME Cloud [Fix] EsriReprojector: Excess and invalid ERROR logging [Fix] FeatureReader: remove dropdown button next to Attribute Definition parameters shown with Excel format ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23064 20220512 ------------------------------ [Update] AttributeManager: add option to hide upgrade dialog for session duration [Fix] ArcGIS Portal: Add Support for System tables for Utility Network (regression 2022.0) [Fix] Infrastructure: Non-ascii path handling causes FME Desktop applications to crash on startup [Fix] XMLTemplater / JSONTemplater: Conditional Values cause Invalid Test Expression errors ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23063 20220510 ------------------------------ [Update] Revit Writer: Write feature geometry as Generic Models ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23062 20220509 ------------------------------ [Update] Restore visibility of ArcSDEGridSnapper [Update] Revit Reader: Extract more Revit metadata [Fix] ARCGISPORTAL Features: "Preserve GlobalID" should only be selectable when Use GloblalID is set to YES [Fix] ShortestPathFinder: Fix incorrect "new lowest cost" and "% complete" log messages when multithreading ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23061 20220506 ------------------------------ [Fix] Navigator: Feature Types disabled from Navigator Pane can't be enabled if workspace is closed and reopened ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23060 20220505 ------------------------------ [Update] Microsoft Access: Implement Upsert [Fix] JPEG Reader: Fixed reading metadata from FLIR dataset [Fix] Reprojector: solid fme_pipe becomes a tube and appearances dropped [Fix] WMTS Reader: Fixed REST Mode not working with non-PNG formats ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23059 20220503 ------------------------------ [Fix] Transformer Gallery: missing option to Open Containing folder in right click menu for linked custom transformers ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23058 20220429 ------------------------------ [Fix] AutoCAD roundtrip scales visible attributes improperly [Fix] CSV/Excel Reader: Attribute Definition section contains two Select All checkboxes [Fix] GeometryFilter: One of the items (Line) in the simple mode select output types is translated when it should not be [Fix] HEIF Reader: Assertion failure in box.cc on Linux/macOS [Fix] Oracle Reader/Writer: Unable to add readers + writers in Linux Workbench ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23057 20220429 ------------------------------ [Update] MongoDB: Add support for MongoDB 4.x [Fix] ArcGIS Portal Feature Service: Deletes using Global IDs does not delete [Fix] GeometryFilter: The order of the types in the simple mode output types edit dialog is not all matching the order of the output ports on the transformer when all types are selected [Fix] NeighborFinder, LineOnLineOverlayer: "Selected Attributes" parameter should be optional ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23056 20220428 ------------------------------ [Update] Revit Writer: Allow users to pick a template file to write to [Fix] GEODATABASE_FILE: Reader creates invalid vertex normals (partial fix – don't read incorrect normals for tri-meshes) [Fix] Python 27 workspaces with no user python does not default to the latest Python (Python 39) [Fix] SchemaScanner: Unexpected Case Sensitive checkbox option interactions ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23055 20220426 ------------------------------ [Update] ChangeDetector: add an UPSERT option [Update] SchemaScanner: Output Schema Features Before Data should default Yes [Fix] AIXM 4.5 Reader: fix LIGHT_GROUP reading/writing; added "Use mid in Natural Keys" reader parameter [Fix] HTMLTable: FeatureReader: does not preserve Feature Table as the Reader does ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23054 20220426 ------------------------------ [Add] Compare Workspaces: Tech preview [Add] New Format: Esri Geodatabase Reader (Personal Geodb GDAL) [Update] VertexCreator: Add bulk mode support [Fix] Workbench crashes on save if parameter with empty default value is set for Value parameter in XMLUpdater ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23053 20220425 ------------------------------ [Update] AGOL Feature Service Writer: Add ability to specify the name of a new feature service [Update] FME 2022+ Plug-in incompatibility error message should link to related Known Issue article on FME Community [Fix] GeometryExtractor: Extracting a point cloud geometry as FME XML returns an empty string with no indication that anything went wrong [Fix] OpenSceneGraph (OSGB): Reader is crashing when running workspace [Fix] PROJReprojector / PROJAttributeReprojector: missing help link in parameters dialog ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23052 20220422 ------------------------------ [Update] ElasticSearch Writer: Add upsert support [Fix] Clipper v14 is slower than Clipper v13 in several Tiling-like cases [Fix] Clipper: Transformer version 14 instantiates geometry instances in cases where transformer version 13 did not [Fix] Clipper: oriented arc with infinity in matrix is incorrectly output as clipped inside [Fix] GeometryValidator: Does not detect -0 values in the matrix of a Clothoid. [Fix] Revit Reader produces invalid brep_solid rooms ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23051 20220421 ------------------------------ [Update] Licensing Assistant: Updated error message text to be more informative [Update] MDB_ADO: Writer Harmonization for Access writer [Fix] AttributeCreator / AttributeManager: Improved validity checking of attribute value expressions when attributes are defined within the table [Fix] HTTPCAller: TLS revocation checking causing failures [Fix] SQLite Writer: Translation abort logs an incorrect transaction keyword [Fix] SQLite/SpatiaLite Native: ensure varchar data type is case insensitive ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23050 20220420 ------------------------------ [Update] MongoDB Writer: Add upsert support [Update] Parquet Writer: Add support for nested fields / structured attributes [Fix] FeatureJoiner: Fixed to not use "stale" geometries from previous features in left/full joins [Fix] Geodatabase Writer: Fail to create Pro Annotation if \'Font Style\' defined in User Attributes. [Fix] Snipper: Warn rather than Error when snipping lines with non-monotonic measures ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23049 20220419 ------------------------------ [Update] 2DGridAccumulator: Improve performance [Fix] Clipper: When the clipper polygon is strictly inside the candidate polygon, prefer candidate's boundary orientation on output. [Fix] Clipper: clipping with a clipper aggregate containing an empty point cloud in reject parts only mode rejects a polygon with nan coordinate values ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23048 20220418 ------------------------------ [Fix] AttributeManager: Move to Top and Move to Bottom has noticeable lag in 2022 [Fix] Cesium Writer: X3DMaterial in appearance causes inefficiencies in Cesium output [Fix] Workbench: Connections are deselected when panning and 'Canvas selection must fully contain objects' setting is enabled ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23047 20220415 ------------------------------ [Fix] CRCCalculator: Fails to produce CRC output when using conditional statements on Filename ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23046 20220414 ------------------------------ [Fix] Clipper: Log point cloud 'converted to footprint' warnings a maximum number of 3 times per clipper transformer [Fix] RasterConvolver: Fix incorrect row index when filling tiles larger than one row [Fix] Security: Fixed vulnerabilities in zlib prior to v1.2.12 ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23045 20220413 ------------------------------ [Update] ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Allow user parameters to be used in the Feature Service parameter [Fix] Clipper: Clipper feature with an aggregate containing null geometry is converted to a null when rejecting only the invalid parts [Fix] Data Inspector: Only first 30k records appear in the table view after the FeatureJoiner (FFS FT multifile/block reading) [Fix] GeoPackage Writer: Geometry set to From Schema Definition results in additional unwanted features being written ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23044 20220412 ------------------------------ [Update] AIXM5 Writer: set writer default max precision to 9 decimal places [Fix] ChartGenerator: Python import error on Red Hat 8 [Fix] OGCKML: Add separate *.kml, *.kmz file filters [Fix] Security: Fixed vulnerabilities in *shared* OpenSSL (versions 1.1.1m and earlier; 3.0.1 and earlier) ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23043 20220411 ------------------------------ [Add] Readers: GDAL Reader and FeatureReader Bulk Mode [Update] ListExploder: Improve performance [Fix] GDAL Vector Readers: Fix schema geom types list for readers that use the generic GDAL GEOM_MAP [Fix] Visual Preview Table View: Not hiding column in view based on selection ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23042 20220408 ------------------------------ [Fix] AttributeManager: does not save list indices if entered by typing [Fix] CKAN Reader/Writer: Description for Quick Add is Incorrect [Fix] Creator: Added support for creating greater than 4294967295 features [Fix] GeoPackage Reader: Fixed reading columns that started with apostrophe or quote [Fix] OGC API: FeatureReader does not correct return results when using parameters based on Attribute Value [Fix] Server: Fixed workspace not finding Custom Transformer ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23041 20220407 ------------------------------ [Update] Directory writers: Allow feature types to include path separators [Update] FME AR Writer: Allow anchor without latitude/longitude [Update] FME AR Writer: Check Anchor and Viewpoint features for metadata [Update] GDAL Vector Readers: Add bulk mode support [Update] Pixar USD (Universal Scene Description) Writer: Add support on Linux ARM64 [Fix] Licensing Assistant: Activate button should be enabled if there is text in license file content field ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23040 20220406 ------------------------------ [Add] EsriReprojector Upgrade [Update] Workbench: Make it possible to pick the ArcObjects used by Workbench and Data Inspector [Fix] Autodesk AutoCAD (DWG): Block Attribute Text from Hidden layer is Visible when referenced by another Visible Layer [Fix] Clipper: Log a warning if there are any remnants out the remnants port [Fix] EsriReprojector: Vertical unit conversion not applied [Fix] Google Sheets Writer fails to write anything and gives unhelpful message with the presence of fme_template_feature_type [Fix] Tiler: Transformer version 11 instantiates geometry instances in cases where transformer version 10 did not ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23039 20220405 ------------------------------ [Fix] GeometryExtractor: extracts ellipses and arcs to points in OGC WKT [Fix] Socrata 3.1 package fails to update existing dataset (No such column error): The Update works now for inserting and updating rows (for the tables with RowID set) ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23038 20220401 ------------------------------ [Update] Automations Writer: Improve logging if writer cannot communicate with FME Server [Update] FME AR Writer: Do not write anchor or viewpoint feature geometries to output [Fix] AttributeManager/AttributeCreator: Add Upsert keyword when using fme_db_operation [Fix] Cannot add Revit file to workbench [Fix] Dissolver: -NaN becomes NaN on Linux ARM [Fix] File Geodatabase API writer crashes if data is out of range [Fix] File Geodatabase Writer: Translation fails when Geodatabase Version is set to 10.0 even with the latest version of ArcGIS Pro Installed [Fix] SQLCreator only returns 1 row from AWS Aurora SQL database starting in 2022.0+ [Fix] StatisticsCalculator: -NaN becomes NaN on Linux ARM ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23037 20220401 ------------------------------ [Update] DBase Writer: Add option to write text-based or binary number storage [Fix] Creator: Indicate maximum limits on Number to Create field [Fix] Intersector: Oriented arc in path incorrectly being stroked to a line instead of simplified to an arc ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23036 20220331 ------------------------------ [Update] AttributeExploder: Add ability to ignore attributes [Update] Improve ArcGIS Licensing error message to help users diagnose compatibility issues. [Update] MRFClean: Remove from FME [Update] MySQL Aurora: Add UPSERT support [Update] MySQL/MySQLDB: Add UPSERT support [Fix] Parameter Editor Window: Merge Feature Type option selected by default ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23035 20220330 ------------------------------ [Update] Excel Reader: Add option to support reading Form Controls as cell values [Update] Excel Writer: Refresh formula values when a '.formula' attribute is written without a template file being used [Update] Parameter Manager: Add checkbox to preserve choice order when creating dropdown or list choice parameters [Fix] AttributeCreator: @Count() fails to evaluate expression when no modulo and NO_LOG token are used is specified [Fix] Geocoder: Inconsistency in ArcGIS geocoding outfields. "Translation failed" and "Incorrect output values" of the Out Fields attributes with the the ArcGIS online service. [Fix] IBM Informix Non-Spatial and Spatial Format WHERE parameter is greyed out [Fix] IFMEOrientedArc rejected by ACAD writer [Fix] Snapper: NaN inputs fail to translate in Vertex mode [Fix] Snowflake Reader/Writer: Times read back differently than written ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23034 20220329 ------------------------------ [Fix] Clipper: Do not reject solids with degenerate faces [Fix] EsriReprojector: Add option to apply time-dependent transformations including the resulting changes to z [Fix] GML Reader / Writer: XXE security leaks [Fix] GeoPackage Writer: Add support for the $ and " characters in table names [Fix] GeometryValidator: Checking a CSG solid for nans flushes the transformation matrix [Fix] GeometryValidator: Pipe geometry with nan in the transformation matrix passes the "Contains -0, NaN, or Infinity" rule [Fix] Tiler: Arc that is within tolerance of linear to the tile boundary is not split ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23033 20220328 ------------------------------ [Update] CAD Readers/Writers: Add support for PDF Xrefs [Fix] Clipper: candidate face with nan in matrix incorrectly clipped as inside [Fix] GeometryValidator: A face with a nan in the transformation matrix passes the nan rule [Fix] GeometryValidator: Fix OGC Compliant test hangs with empty IFMEMultiArea [Fix] Revit reader does not create all schemas ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23032 20220325 ------------------------------ [Update] ChangeDetector: Add "Original Attributes to Preserve" Parameter [Fix] Clipper: Clipping a candidate face with a nan in z crashes the clipper [Fix] DropboxConnector: cannot upload and download using File if the path contains space [Fix] USD writer: (i18n): Fixed issues on feature type name in Japanese for shift-jis and UTF-8 ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23031 20220324 ------------------------------ [Fix] EsriReprojector: If "Vertical" tab checked, vertical transformation should be required [Fix] Excel writer: locks the result Excel file with formula recalculation after writing [Fix] SQLite Writer: Allow quote as valid character in column name ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23030 20220323 ------------------------------ [Fix] Clipper: Preserve non-geometry properties on path boundaries [Fix] GeometryValidator: Order of OGC rules in GUI should be swapped [Fix] XMLUpdater: Conditional statements causing unbalanced quotation mark error ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23029 20220322 ------------------------------ [Update] DatabaseJoiner: Support Esri Geodatabase_File & Geodatabase_SDE [Fix] ZMap Grid Reader: Fix Grid feature type not producing output in FeatureReader ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23028 20220321 ------------------------------ [Fix] Running workspaces in a specific order causes jobs that use packages to fail [Fix] SQL Server (JDBC) Writer: Fixed metafile error when attempting to write unsupported aggregate geometry [Fix] SpatialRelator: Improve performance when rejecting null bulk mode features [Fix] Tiler: Bug duplicating lines on tile boundaries [Fix] WorkspaceRunner: Workspace Parameters resetting to defaults when using Attribute or Parameter values ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23027 20220317 ------------------------------ [Update] ACAD: Add the Ability to use an Attribute for Default Layer Color| ACAD Writer Feature Type Properties Dialog [Update] Excel Reader: Select attributes to read [Fix] IFC: Add IFCSweptDiskSolid writing [Fix] Minecraft Reader: Fixed some blocks and format attributes for 1.18 ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23026 20220317 ------------------------------ [Update] Excel Reader: Remove 'Additional File Handling' option [Update] Infrastructure: Detect and warn on network drives for FME_HOME and FME_TEMP [Fix] Clipper: clip path with solid, lose "pathiness" on inside input [Fix] PointOnOverlayer: Slow when rejecting null bulk mode features [Fix] StringCaseChanger: Fix crash with feature cache and bulk mode ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23025 20220316 ------------------------------ [Fix] Clipper: preserve textures when Clipping Surfaces [Fix] Correct FMEObjects Constants Mispellings to correct misspelling in API docs [Fix] Logging: Change Locale logging to be the region/locale and not the display language ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23024 20220315 ------------------------------ [Update] Revit Native: Add more revit categories, including StairsRun, StairsLanding, TopRail, Cable Tray Fittings [Fix] EsriReprojector fails when Vertical Transformation is set to None [Fix] Workbench MacOS: occasional crash when double-clicking the source file path in the Navigator ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23023 20220314 ------------------------------ [Update] ECW Reader: Add format attributes for version and compression [Update] Excel Reader: Generate schemas for additional files when reading multiple files [Fix] ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Reader: 'objectid' attribute used to be removed from schema, now appears as expected [Fix] ECW Writer: Improve coordinate system handling [Fix] FILEGDB is creating files with Date Modified of June 7 2011 and Date Created today [Fix] JDBC Writer: '-' and '#' characters are replaced with '_' in table names ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23022 20220311 ------------------------------ [Update] Esri Knowledge Graph: Add Upsert Support [Fix] Attribute Mapping should work in 2021.x [Fix] AutoCAD DWG format: File causes the following error Object of class AcDbProxyObject can not be cast to AcDbRasterImageDef [Fix] ECW Writer: Version 3 files, start using EPSG code to represent projections [Fix] MariaDB/MySQL: Format in 2019 does not allow for datetime values 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [Fix] Oracle Writer: attributes are re-ordered when opening an old workspace in 2021.2 FME version [Fix] SAP HANA: Format does not appear in Workbench when using a JDBC driver jar file with version in name ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23021 20220310 ------------------------------ [Update] MapInfo formats: Add Luxembourg (LUREF #1029) datum support [Fix] Workspace Compare and Merge: crash when viewing a version upgraded transformer ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23020 20220309 ------------------------------ [Update] AIS Reader: Add support for decoding !BSVDM messages [Update] MySQL/MySQLDB Writer: Harmonize writer functionality and GUI similarly to other formats ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23019 20220308 ------------------------------ [Add] Clipper: Added version 14 with feature requests [Add] Linux: Drop RHEL 7 support [Update] Azure: Add UPSERT support [Fix] AIXM 4.5: Roundtrip of entire AIXM file results in more features compared to original [Fix] Larger complex workspaces with custom transformer/bookmarks fails in FME 2021.0 with Intermittent errors [Fix] Minecraft Reader: Fixed read of newer Minecraft 1.18 data [Fix] Workbench: Unable to download packages on Linux when /tmp and /home are on different partitions ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23018 20220307 ------------------------------ [Update] Excel Reader: Change 'Attribute Definition' to only appear in initial Reader Parameters or Update Reader window [Update] GeoPackage Writer: Improve migration experience from geopackage_fid to primary index user attribute [Fix] Python: Using "Select File From Web" uses Python 2.7 and fails on macOS ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23017 20220304 ------------------------------ [Update] FileGDB Writer: Add UPSERT Feature Operation support [Fix] PostGIS writer: Failure when writing out images to bytea column, and Bulk Insert is set to No [Fix] Tester: Fixed very large number incorrectly detected as integer on Linux ARM ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23016 20220303 ------------------------------ [Update] FMW: Read sorted transformers [Update] SpatiaLite Reader/Writer: Add geometry rejection support [Fix] FeatureJoiner: Crashes when joining GTFS data with geometry extracted as 64-bit WKT [Fix] FeatureReader log: does not encode the feature type name with special characters properly [Fix] Licensing: Re-enable command line licensing on macOS ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23015 20220302 ------------------------------ [Fix] Resource Folders / Server Repositories: Error when Chinese characters in path [Fix] SharePoint writer parameters: Add the missing Advanced group box ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23014 20220301 ------------------------------ [Fix] ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Writer: Cannot write to branched feature services [Fix] Clipper: Temporarily force all raster clipping to "Clip Original Candidates" [Fix] ECW Writer: fails to write tab file [Fix] MariaDB/Aurora Spatial/Postgres: SQLCreator/Executor Schema Port does not return any features if table is empty ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23013 20220228 ------------------------------ [Update] Connection Styles: populate properties from workspace when custom colour does not exist in style list [Fix] AIXM 4.5 Writer: Fix missing "Ftt" and "Cdl" children for "Fqy" elements on large datasets [Fix] Sorter: Improve performance when data is significantly reordered [Fix] Workbench: Fix occasional crash when opening and closing "Download from FME Server" dialog ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23012 20220225 ------------------------------ [Update] Excel Writer: Reuse existing fonts with the same settings instead of creating new ones [Update] Mobile Geodatabase: remove \'Main\' prefix from reader feature types ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23011 20220224 ------------------------------ [Update] AIRTABLE: Implement Web Selects [Update] FMW Reader: Read transformers in bookmarks and who connects to what [Fix] FeatureWriter: File Copy Format: Allow writer to be used in Data Download service when publishing to FME Server [Fix] GeometryPartExtractor: Extract Path from FMEPipe produces 'Error running translation' [Fix] MariaDB/Aurora Spatial: SQLCreator/Executor Schema Port - DELETE statement in multi-statement not executed if schema is returned [Fix] TestFilter: Error when opening TestFilter from older than 2019.0 versions [Fix] Text File Reader: fails to read files located in a folder containing Japanese characters ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23010 20220223 ------------------------------ [Update] Geodb: Add UPSERT support [Fix] AIXM 4.5 Writer: interleave multiple codeOpr(s) and Component_AIRSPACE_ID(s) [Fix] DateTimeCalculator parameter name consistency: renamed group name *Parameters *to *General* ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23009 20220222 ------------------------------ [Add] Add Bulk Mode support to Python plugins: Includes all Python based transformers that can support it, PythonCaller/PythonCreator, all Python based readers that can support it, all Python based writers that can support it, when there is support for it [Update] Excel Reader: Add Attribute Definition Auto | Manual option [Update] Python Bulk Mode: Added bulk mode support to SOCRATA2 [Fix] Clipper: outputs empty rasters from the inside port [Fix] Clipper: support invalid surface and solid candidates if their bounds are strictly inside and/or outside clipper areas [Fix] ReframeReprojector: Update raster handling to match other reprojectors ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23008 20220218 ------------------------------ [Fix] BulkAttributeRenamer: Fixed inconsistent results when renaming multiple attributes to the same name [Fix] DateTimeCalculator: Mode parameter breaks when used with a shared path [Fix] HTMLReportGenerator: (L10n): two "yes" in the Escape HTML parameter, one works as a "no" [Fix] PATH reader: Path with special characters is not interpreted literally when Path Filter parameter is empty ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23007 20220217 ------------------------------ [Add] Linux: Drop Debian 10 support [Add] Linux: Drop Ubuntu 18.04 support [Update] PythonCaller: Output bulk mode features and improve performance (results: 54.90% to 63.05% faster) [Fix] Clipper: Rasters don't clip with aggregates [Fix] GeoPackage Reader: Fails to read geometry blob from dataset [Fix] Intersector: Paths that clearly cross are not split [Fix] MapTextLabeller: Style Properties Crash after selecting Label with symbol on Win64 [Fix] Visual Preview: Background maps flickers on initial load and does not show map attribution ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23005 20220215 ------------------------------ [Fix] Cesium 3D Tiles: Incorrect output when writing features with no coordinate system [Fix] File Geodatabase reader - can't read back File Geodb in Workbench created by the Geodb writer (with column named "group") [Fix] MongoDB Reader: Fixed slow reading when many collections exist ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23004 20220214 ------------------------------ [Update] CoordinateRounder: Added support for point clouds [Fix] Bufferer: Polygon near Antimeridian fails [Fix] Clipper: Improve solid clipping performance [Fix] GeoTIFF Writer: Wrong number of Rows/Columns for Cloud Optimized Tiles [Fix] VertexCreator: Append to text location geometry and fix duplicate handling [Fix] VertexCreator: Arcs and paths are incorrectly closed into polygons even if Z values don't match ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23003 20220211 ------------------------------ [Update] CosmosDB: Add option to stop writing on first failure [Update] GeoPackage Writer: Ensure that primary index user attribute matches case insensitively to table column names [Update] Oracle: Add UPSERT support [Update] PATH Reader: drop unused file property attributes from schema [Update] Python Bulk Mode: Added bulk mode support to CKANDATASTORE [Update] Python Bulk Mode: Added bulk mode support to GOOGLESHEETS4 [Update] Python Bulk Mode: Added bulk mode support to UNFOLDEDDATA [Update] UUIDGenerator: add an option to create globalid compatible UUID wrapped in {} [Update] Unreal UDataSmith Writer: Add options for texture parameter whether or not to add ambient and emissive color [Update] VertexCreator: Reject point features with 'Insert Point at Index' and 'Replace Point at Index' [Update] Writers: Remove usage of fme-source-encoding. Provide better default instead [Fix] ESRIJSON Writer: Include schema/fields in ESRIJSON output [Fix] Excel (XLSX) Reader: Includes start row even if empty, impacting feature count [Fix] Excel (XLSXW) Writer: Translation fails when creating too many fonts or formats [Fix] PostGIS Writer : Set "Missing Attribute" in Navigator Window to match the GUI order [Fix] Unreal Datasmith Writer: Fails to write texture files and incorrectly merges multiple Material definitions ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23002 20220210 ------------------------------ [Update] Precisely/Mapinfo: Request for new DB_REF datum definition for CSMAP [Update] Python Bulk Mode: Add bulk mode support to AZURE_TABLE [Update] Python Bulk Mode: Add bulk mode support to HTMLTable [Update] Python Bulk Mode: Add bulk mode support to HypackBRD [Update] Python Bulk Mode: Add bulk mode support to Landsat8 [Update] Python Bulk Mode: Add bulk mode support to Landsat8AWS [Update] Python Bulk Mode: Add bulk mode support to OData [Update] Python Bulk Mode: Add bulk mode support to OGDI [Update] Python Bulk Mode: Add bulk mode support to SALESFORCE [Update] Python Bulk Mode: Add bulk mode support to Sentinel2AWS [Update] Python Bulk Mode: Add bulk mode support to Sharepoint [Update] Python Bulk Mode: Add bulk mode support to TerrainTilesAWS [Update] Python Bulk Mode: Add bulk mode support to WLAS [Update] Snowflake R/W: Upgrade JDBC driver to v3.13.14 [Fix] Clipper: Fix clipped indicator bug in Interim Results mode [Fix] GeometryExtractor/GeometryReplacer: Fixed round-tripping NaN [Fix] RasterPaletteNodataSetter: fails to set properly encoded values ------------------------------ FME 2023.0.0.0 b23001 20220209 ------------------------------ [Add] An Epic grouping some new Python 3.9 support for FME. Mostly internal tasks for development at Safe, does include upgrading macOS to Python 3.9. [Update] Esri Personal GeoDatabase: Remove format based on Win32 sunsetting [Update] Python Bulk Mode: Add bulk mode support to ArcGISOnlineFeatures [Update] Python Bulk Mode: Add bulk mode support to ArcGISPortalFeatures [Update] Python Bulk Mode: Add bulk mode support to DocumentDB [Update] Workbench Windows/Mac: Allow user to connect to FME Server using SAML for authentication [Fix] Clipper: Candidate pre-validation for collections only [Fix] DatabaseDeleter: SpatiaLite Native/SQLite format does not delete row when using WHERE Clause [Fix] RasterResampler: Fixed resampling by percentage to preserve spacing ratio [Fix] SHAPEFILE Writer: Do not allow writing attributes prefixed with an underscore or number