================================== FME Server 2022.0.1.1 "What's New" ================================== ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.1.1 b22347 20220609 ------------------------------ [Fix] Python Connectors: Failing to use FME Server Parameters [Fix] Temporary Uploads Not Working with FME single-selection File Parameter if Spaces Exist in the File Name [Fix] View a Job Log ran by a deleted user will prompt Internal Server Error ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.1.0 b22346 20220602 ------------------------------ [Fix] FME Server SAML Identity Provider Settings URLs are incorrect ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.2 b22341 20220513 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations: Unable to save automation when mapped value is used ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.2 b22340 20220511 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations: Schedule Trigger Start and End can't be updated [Fix] Automations: Schedule trigger gets error icon unnecessarily ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.1 b22339 20220504 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations: Unedited Password Parameter Prevents Automation From Saving ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22322 20220407 ------------------------------ [Update] Project import failure statement should be reworded [Fix] Amazon S3 Bucket Trigger: Jobs sometimes infinitely requeue ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22321 20220405 ------------------------------ [Fix] Web Services Failing To Upload to FME Server ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22319 20220404 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations parameters of type=number should not allow schema mapping option through the Text Editor [Fix] System Encryption: Database Password Encryption Script in not reading from fmeDatabaseConfig.txt ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22317 20220331 ------------------------------ [Update] Update Job Routing Rule description on the tooltip on Engine Management pages ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22316 20220330 ------------------------------ [Update] Update text for Dynamic Engines section on Engines page ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22309 20220321 ------------------------------ [Update] Automations 'Message' parameter should be optional in FME Server Topic (notify) ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22305 20220315 ------------------------------ [Fix] FME Server Web Connection: Cannot update values from the Web UI ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22303 20220311 ------------------------------ [Update] Automations: More performant Automation loading [Update] WebSocket Trigger should select wss:// as Target URL by default if the Server is SSL Enabled ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22302 20220310 ------------------------------ [Fix] Server Apps with "User Can Upload" disabled, prompts user to upload files ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22301 20220309 ------------------------------ [Fix] Remove "Select all" message from User Page (does not function correctly) ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22298 20220304 ------------------------------ [Update] Add Dropdown Selection for Job Routing Properties (Source Name and Workspace) [Fix] FME Server System Event Trigger is showing Events placeholder as "Empty" ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22293 20220225 ------------------------------ [Update] Add Dropdown Selection for Job Routing Properties (Source Type and Repository) [Fix] Geometry Parameter: Double quotes are stripped when submitted via a Webhook URL ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22291 20220223 ------------------------------ [Update] Change documentation for V3 REST API: DELETE /repositories/< repository >/items/< item >/metrics from "item metrics" to "item statistics" ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22288 20220217 ------------------------------ [Fix] Project fails on import when it contains an Azure type user account ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22286 20220215 ------------------------------ [Update] Align text to "Log In" on the FME Server landing page [Fix] Azure AD connections may not work after Server encryption key change [Fix] Logging: Capture JSON Object error and report raw message for debuggin ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22285 20220214 ------------------------------ [Update] Assign Stream FME Engines on Migration [Update] FME Server should notify a user of additional log information when a Stream failure occurs [Fix] Inconsistent icon used for FME Community ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22284 20220211 ------------------------------ [Fix] Directory Watch: Misleading warning is logged when watching a UNC Path instead of network resource ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22283 20220210 ------------------------------ [Fix] Workspaces Retry Policy continues after Automation is stopped ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22281 20220208 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automation Bug: optional date parameter left blank causes Automation saving to fail ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22280 20220207 ------------------------------ [Fix] Upgrade Azure libraries to support no auth and basic proxy ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22279 20220203 ------------------------------ [Update] Amazon S3 Bucket Trigger: Add optional parameter to select bucket region ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22278 20220203 ------------------------------ [Fix] Oracle DB: Internal Server Error toast message displays when trying to stop a stream ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22274 20220128 ------------------------------ [Update] Job Routing Rules: Add New Job Properties ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22272 20220126 ------------------------------ [Fix] Upgrade XML Security for Java (Santuario) library to 2.1.4+ ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22269 20220121 ------------------------------ [Update] Remove the Tools repository from the FME Server installer ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22268 20220120 ------------------------------ [Update] Remove Queue UUID from the UI [Fix] Configuration Page: Reset button in the Workspace panel does not set the fields back to its original values [Fix] If a workspace contains published parameters, in the configuration page, there should be a header labeled "Published Parameters" ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22267 20220119 ------------------------------ [Update] Update Before You Begin section on Azure AD Page to include links to our Documentation [Fix] Reloading Jobs Completed Page ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22265 20220114 ------------------------------ [Update] Move core Server features higher in the sidebar [Update] Support paging for Broadcast Messages ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22260 20220110 ------------------------------ [Fix] CVE-2021-42550 Upgrade logback to 1.2.9 or Newer [Fix] REST API V4 delete account transfers ownership of owned items but clears granted permissions ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22259 20220106 ------------------------------ [Fix] Typo Warn Message Automation Log: "Please sure a valid file path is specified" ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22258 20220104 ------------------------------ [Fix] Upgrade log4j to 2.17.1 or Newer ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22254 20211222 ------------------------------ [Fix] Upgrade log4j to 2.17.0 or Newer ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22249 20211215 ------------------------------ [Fix] Upgrade log4j 2.14.1 to 2.16.0 or newer ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22248 20211214 ------------------------------ [Fix] Update AustinApartments.fmw sample workspace to work on ARM ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22246 20211210 ------------------------------ [Fix] Removing Repositories does not remove it from any Job Routing Rules ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22245 20211209 ------------------------------ [Update] Automations: manual.user key should behave like a reserved key [Update] Track user who submitted the trigger request [Fix] Automations: Parallel Action Block doesn't support nested Blocks ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22242 20211206 ------------------------------ [Update] Map CYMK/HSV/HSL with value Hex to be text fields ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22241 20211203 ------------------------------ [Update] Geometry Parameter Prompt should inherit Configuration from FME Workbench/Workspace ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22240 20211202 ------------------------------ [Fix] Clicking the "Cancel" button after configuring a System Event redirects the user to the History page ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22235 20211125 ------------------------------ [Fix] WIN64 sometimes sorts WEB UI/REST API items by case ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22231 20211119 ------------------------------ [Fix] fmetoken Service is Hanging (Concurrent Requests) ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22230 20211118 ------------------------------ [Update] Remove Run Until Cancelled (RTC) from UI and API ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22228 20211116 ------------------------------ [Update] Geometry Picker: Basemap URL tooltip should indicate that we only support XYZ-formatted URLs ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22225 20211110 ------------------------------ [Fix] Update error message for list of characters not allowed for Repository names ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22220 20211103 ------------------------------ [Fix] Mandatory Geometry Parameter does not warn if blank in FME Server App ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22219 20211102 ------------------------------ [Update] Improve Trigger and External Action GUI Names and Text ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22215 20211027 ------------------------------ [Fix] Inconsistent user experience for setting a Filter [Fix] Unable to create successful Generic Directory connection: "Directory server contents are not yet available" and no ERROR in Log File ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22212 20211022 ------------------------------ [Fix] FME_SERVER_REQUEST_METHOD parameter is not populated when running a workspace on FME Server ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22208 20211018 ------------------------------ [Update] Add new configurable option to use SIGKILL to avoid creating core.pid files on FME Server ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22201 20211006 ------------------------------ [Add] Create Repositories REST API V4 ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22196 20210928 ------------------------------ [Update] Update Kubernetes Deployment to Support Engine Property Rules for Streams ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22193 20210923 ------------------------------ [Update] Enable Stream Engine Assignment to use both Name and Property Engine Assignment Rules ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22192 20210922 ------------------------------ [Fix] Logs from Temporary Engines are not being cleaned out from Resources\Logs\engine\current ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22183 20210909 ------------------------------ [Fix] Geometry Picker: 'Open Menu' button in does not work in pop-out mode ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22177 20210831 ------------------------------ [Update] Increase Performance for Searching User Accounts ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22172 20210823 ------------------------------ [Update] Web Services on FME Server: Allow users to select Connections based on similar Web Services [Fix] ArcGIS Portal Web Connection published parameter works in FME Workbench but not Server if only "Esri ArcGIS Portal (Template)" is selected ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22170 20210820 ------------------------------ [Update] Log the Refresh Token Exchange for OAuth ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22169 20210819 ------------------------------ [Fix] Stale data after re-authenticating an ArcGIS Online Web Connection causes invalid connection ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22166 20210816 ------------------------------ [Update] Check the FME Server license when it is close to expiry date and automatically refresh ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22164 20210812 ------------------------------ [Update] Identify Authenticated User who ran an FME Server App in Job History and for use in FME Workspace ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22163 20210810 ------------------------------ [Fix] Schedule end time selector gets stuck when start time is set ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22162 20210810 ------------------------------ [Fix] Change password login screen is different from first login ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22161 20210809 ------------------------------ [Update] Support Nested Keys ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22152 20210726 ------------------------------ [Update] Add Enable/Disable All checkbox to Event Keys [Fix] Resources - Display name with * ? | ^ + characters search not working ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22151 20210723 ------------------------------ [Update] Schedule: reorder parameters for Type: Basic [Fix] Can edit and save an existing Schedule when the Repeat on Interval field is blank from migration ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22146 20210716 ------------------------------ [Fix] Safari: Automations Node ports cut off ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22142 20210712 ------------------------------ [Fix] "Run Workspace" Page Header appears over Heading Banner/Logo in FME Server Apps ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22140 20210708 ------------------------------ [Fix] "Trigger Automations" is available for multiple Automations but only triggers one ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22134 20210628 ------------------------------ [Fix] Deleting Queue sometimes does not disable Engine Rule with matching Queue Property [Fix] Jobs Page: Results and page numbers are incorrect and/or missing after using the 'Back' button [Fix] Missing heading tooltips - navigating to sub pages ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22127 20210617 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations difficult to troubleshoot when job fails to submit due to Java Heap Error ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22124 20210614 ------------------------------ [Fix] Extra headings for API Tokens, Sessions Tokens, and All Tokens pages [Fix] Repositories/Workspaces: Editing and clearing the description is then displaying as "null" [Fix] Security: All Tokens page is not displaying a "Sorry, you can't view this page" message when a user without the User Management > Manage permission attempts to access it via URL ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22123 20210611 ------------------------------ [Update] Support 'Resubmit Job' for Automations Jobs ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22121 20210609 ------------------------------ [Update] Automations Manual Trigger: Manual Key as the value for a User Key ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22120 20210608 ------------------------------ [Fix] FME Server App Doesn't display default parameter values containing characters properly ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22118 20210604 ------------------------------ [Update] LDAP Servers: Add validation when an LDAP server is created with the "Generic" type ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22117 20210603 ------------------------------ [Update] Correctly set source type and source id when resubmitting jobs [Fix] Automations - Node Validation - Email Port on non Chrome browsers user can input alpha characters [Fix] Automations: When Guided Mode is on, the Next Action for the Automation Writer output port of a workspace action should not crossover [Fix] FME Server Workspace Apps: Error message when unauthorized and attempting to edit lists incorrect permissions ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22111 20210526 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations - Restoring from 2019 Server causes some links to be broken ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22110 20210525 ------------------------------ [Update] Geometry Picker: Add search functionality so users can enter address/building name to find location ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22108 20210520 ------------------------------ [Update] Consolidate imported keys under parent trigger keys [Update] Improve Version Control Warning on Workspace Upload [Fix] Automations > Node Validation > Email Port ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22107 20210519 ------------------------------ [Fix] Guides move and overlap node after Start and Stop of Automation ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22104 20210514 ------------------------------ [Fix] Schedule: Type Basic does not trigger the workspace if Client Local Time (Web Browser) != Server Time (FME Server) [Fix] Streams: Running jobs aren't visible under the stream's Jobs section ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22103 20210513 ------------------------------ [Update] Remove REST API V2 from FME Server ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22102 20210512 ------------------------------ [Update] Geometry Picker: Pin Icons too similar on Draw Marker and Zoom Home ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22101 20210511 ------------------------------ [Fix] Token issues with SSO login. ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22099 20210507 ------------------------------ [Update] Manual Trigger: Should be available from normal trigger node [Fix] FME Server Backup Fails due to large file in Resources folder ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22098 20210505 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations - adding a new node drops it directly onto other node ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22094 20210430 ------------------------------ [Update] Make System Cleanup for Automation Logs Minimum Age be 1 Hour ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22093 20210429 ------------------------------ [Fix] Manual Licensing for FME Server generates invalid JSON file if a character with an accent is present in any field [Fix] TEXT_EDIT_SQL_CFG Published Parameter for Workspace is not parsed correctly on FME Server ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22091 20210427 ------------------------------ [Update] Automations - Validation on User/ Global Keys in parameters panel [Fix] Error for Maximum Image Upload Size in Server Apps does not match actual restrictions ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22086 20210420 ------------------------------ [Add] Queue Control: Engine Assignment Properties ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22085 20210419 ------------------------------ [Fix] Streams View Page, and Automations (Editing Parameters Locked), the COLOR Published Parameters appear to still be editable [Fix] The font style of the OK and Cancel buttons is not consistent with the rest of FME Server [Fix] The resulting value from selecting a colour from the graphical prompt is always displayed in Hex values regardless of the field's configuration [Fix] The value of RGB FME is being published and displayed as a Hex value in Server instead of as an RGB value ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22084 20210415 ------------------------------ [Fix] Oracle DB: Unable to update an existing API Token that has the Description field blank ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22082 20210414 ------------------------------ [Update] Browser Icon: If an icon has been uploaded, but the crop was not confirmed, accept the crop on save [Update] Improvements to Browser Icon Cropping for FME Server Apps ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22080 20210412 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations - Save prompt is on when opening/ closing unedited workspace parameters panel ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22079 20210408 ------------------------------ [Fix] Colour Parameters (CYMK, HSV, HSL) with value Hex show prompt "Value is Required" ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22076 20210406 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations - Coordinate System published parameter is not working inside Automations [Fix] Color Parameter prompt not appearing correctly in Automations ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22073 20210331 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations : Bookmark pushes its contents out when resizing ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22071 20210329 ------------------------------ [Update] Queue Control: Switch to KiB, MiB, GiB size options for Peak Memory Usage and Physical Memory of Engine Host ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22068 20210324 ------------------------------ [Fix] System Events > Send Email Notifications: Email Body text box missing ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22064 20210318 ------------------------------ [Fix] Email templates are blank and unusable when creating an Email (IMAP) publication in Notifications [Fix] Queue Control: Engines are not automatically assigned to default queue ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22060 20210312 ------------------------------ [Update] Automation Log: View full history in Web UI ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22057 20210309 ------------------------------ [Update] Add Merge Action to Automations (Initial Feature Release) ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22056 20210308 ------------------------------ [Update] Automation Log: Download Log should only include whatever is filtered in the Web UI ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22054 20210304 ------------------------------ [Fix] A delay is observed when assigning FME Engines to a Stream causing users to be able to create Engine Assignment Rules with that same FME Engine ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22050 20210226 ------------------------------ [Fix] User that has Full Access to a Workspace App loses Run permission after saving the Workspace App ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22047 20210223 ------------------------------ [Update] Add more informative tooltips on AD options [Fix] Automations: Backslashes in Choice Parameter value ignored [Fix] DB Connections:Named Connection with "Mask Connection String" enabled in Workbench is not reflected when published to Server ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22046 20210222 ------------------------------ [Fix] COLOR GUI Type Parameter does not display Prompt correctly ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22041 20210212 ------------------------------ [Fix] Error observed when attempting to save a Project containing two different Gallery Apps that use the same Workspace and Resource Connection ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22039 20210210 ------------------------------ [Update] Group Queue Control pages with Engines and move Licensing to System Configuration [Fix] Restrict Logos/Icons/Banners in Server Apps to image/png and image/jpeg ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22038 20210209 ------------------------------ [Fix] Deleted user's Username displays as empty in Admin's Jobs page [Fix] Repositories/Engines are not listed in alphabetical order ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22036 20210205 ------------------------------ [Fix] Password Change fails if Username was not entered with correct capitalization (but Login worked) ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22033 20210201 ------------------------------ [Fix] Update the URL for the Server Tour from "2021.0" to "2021" ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22032 20210201 ------------------------------ [Update] Replace Basic Authorization with Tokens in the FME Server Publishing Wizard ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22028 20210125 ------------------------------ [Update] Automations Retry: External Actions "number of retry attempts" should be logged ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22025 20210121 ------------------------------ [Update] Update Text for Manual Licensing on Request Form ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22021 20210115 ------------------------------ [Fix] Cannot Select All Triggered Jobs for an Automation ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22018 20210112 ------------------------------ [Update] Add summary column for Role and Token permissions [Fix] The tab name is displaying as "Security" instead of "User Management" ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22017 20210111 ------------------------------ [Update] Improve Feature Type Name Truncation algorithm for Automations ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22014 20210105 ------------------------------ [Fix] Consistency in Image Fields Behaviours when Removing previously uploaded images ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b22007 20201218 ------------------------------ [Update] View Job Statistics on Automations Canvas ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21809 20220117 ------------------------------ [Fix] Server Apps endpoint is not returning \n for new lines ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21795 20211129 ------------------------------ [Fix] Only update Web Connection info when needed (prevent overwriting valid token information) ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21792 20211122 ------------------------------ [Fix] Restore process should not fail due to Job Routing rule with no queue set ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21785 20211103 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations: Connecting components disables the Workspace dropdown menu in new actions [Fix] REGEXP_OR_STRING_ENCODED type Parameter is not parsed correctly on FME Server ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21779 20211022 ------------------------------ [Fix] FME Server Web UI: Expiration Calendar opens upward and cuts off at Month and Year tabs for Webhook page, Schedules and Server Apps. Only occurs in Dark Mode. ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21763 20210928 ------------------------------ [Fix] Redundant error message (toast) is displayed for duplicate Engine Assignment Rule ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21760 20210923 ------------------------------ [Fix] Jobs Completed or Queued: Filter does not work for large number of users ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21759 20210922 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations Global Key references in Workspace nodes are lost ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21732 20210813 ------------------------------ [Fix] System Configuration > Tooltip icons are not consistently spaced ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21713 20210715 ------------------------------ [Update] Add Workspace Action Reset Parameters option ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21709 20210709 ------------------------------ [Fix] Security: Error manually importing Directory Servers group after importing through UI ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21708 20210708 ------------------------------ [Update] Split-Merge Block: Better validation for links that bypass the input port ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21706 20210706 ------------------------------ [Update] Automations: Option to override when importing keys from JSON [Fix] Create New User Key button adds new fields above existing user keys on Windows FME Server ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21704 20210630 ------------------------------ [Fix] Projects: Adding Automations with UNC resource path dependancy are not able to save ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21702 20210628 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations: Node badges sometimes show up as empty white circles ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21700 20210624 ------------------------------ [Fix] Adding a single item to a Project is labelled as 'Resource Folder' ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21633 20211013 ------------------------------ [Fix] FME OAuth Service does not produce logs correctly ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21624 20210817 ------------------------------ [Fix] Restarting FME Server using Streams shows up as Queues in Engine Management ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21612 20210715 ------------------------------ [Fix] Job is continuously resubmitted if a duplicate job already exists in the Job History table ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21598 20210617 ------------------------------ [Update] Add client-side filtering (text search field) to the FME Server Apps pages [Fix] Missing heading tooltips on various pages ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21597 20210616 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations - System Events scroll bar is broken on IE browser ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21595 20210614 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations should remember user filter settings ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21592 20210609 ------------------------------ [Update] Add a link to the FME Academy in the FME Server 'Help Resouces' Menu [Update] Add tooltip descriptions on the Queues, Job Routing, and Engine Assignment tabs ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21590 20210607 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations: Workspace Action: Choice (Multiple) parameter 'forgets' some choices ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21587 20210602 ------------------------------ [Add] Create Resources (Shared Resource) REST API V4 [Update] Parallel Action Block Onboarding [Fix] Upload Workspace modal gets stuck and cannot be closed when adding "" characters to the Workspace name ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21585 20210531 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations - arrow keys skipping characters in parameters panel user keys input ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21584 20210528 ------------------------------ [Fix] Safari: Arrows are displaying below the Side Navigation Menu item instead of next to it [Fix] Workspace Upload modal should not allow users to select Repositories they do not have permissions for ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21582 20210526 ------------------------------ [Fix] 'Grant Additional Permissions' dialog is missing space in "Run Workspace" [Fix] Server Apps extra permissions are not displayed correctly [Fix] Stop Automations Button Not Screen Size Responsive ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21580 20210521 ------------------------------ [Fix] Enable Version Control should open System Configuration in a New Tab ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21578 20210519 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations preview thumbnails are fetched even on the list view ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21577 20210518 ------------------------------ [Fix] Geometry Picker needs some overlap so that users can select geometry across dateline ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21576 20210517 ------------------------------ [Update] Manual Trigger: Ability to Trigger Automation without JSON prompt ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21575 20210514 ------------------------------ [Update] Automations Save As Dialog Enhancements [Fix] Default value for parameter type password is not used. [Fix] Geometry Picker Parameter in FME Server does not recognize geometry string copy/pasted in ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21574 20210513 ------------------------------ [Fix] Geometry Picker always snaps to initial bounds ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21573 20210512 ------------------------------ [Fix] Geometry Picker: Resizing leaves a grey box in map view ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21566 20210503 ------------------------------ [Add] Security: Add Support for Active Directory on Azure ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21563 20210428 ------------------------------ [Fix] Unable to start and stop automations [Fix] Workspace Upload: Should not be able to move window ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21562 20210427 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations IsPermitted Request doesn't request the paginated page, instead checks all Automations [Fix] Name change is not applied when Automation is running ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21561 20210426 ------------------------------ [Fix] Colour Parameters (CYMK, HSV, HSL) with value Hex show prompt "Value is Required" in Automations & Streams ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21556 20210419 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations: Rare - Possible for Automation and related scheduled task to get out of sync ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21552 20210413 ------------------------------ [Fix] Data Streaming doesn't return i18n Filename correctly ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21548 20210407 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations - Switching workspace and closing panel before parameters load wont save ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21547 20210406 ------------------------------ [Fix] User Can Upload toggle not automatically enabled after updating an existing workspace app ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21546 20210405 ------------------------------ [Fix] View Password is blank and removes password value ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21543 20210330 ------------------------------ [Fix] Workspace Viewer - 3 different titles from sidebar, main page and browser tab ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21542 20210329 ------------------------------ [Update] Server Apps & Webhook URLs should detect ALL (Named) Connections and Grant 'Access' Permissions to the API Token ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21541 20210326 ------------------------------ [Fix] Removing a stopped stream doesn't reassign Engines to the Default queue and they become unavailable ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21538 20210323 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations - Author with "Can View" permissions can access "Trigger Automation" from Manage page ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21528 20210309 ------------------------------ [Fix] No prompt to add Server App to Home screen ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21519 20210224 ------------------------------ [Fix] Unable to edit Advanced TM Directives in FME Workspace Subscription ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21517 20210222 ------------------------------ [Fix] Load Template is not loading permissions for items within a category [Fix] Using REST API, creating FME Server Queue with an empty Engine Name could result in 500 status code ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21516 20210219 ------------------------------ [Fix] IE11: Add Dependencies Modal is not centered ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21515 20210218 ------------------------------ [Fix] Error 'FME Server App already exists' when clicking 'OK' before all loading completes [Fix] Magnifying glass icon for Search Bases is not functional and should be removed [Fix] Update time unit strings to second(s), minute(s), hour(s), day(s) ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21511 20210211 ------------------------------ [Fix] 'Reset and Refresh Parameters' button is not working for Run Workspace Action (renamed to 'Refresh Parameters') [Fix] Automations Tools Repository does not have Action Type Selected [Fix] Error with % (percent) character in Version Control Commit Message [Fix] In Automations, clicking Validate before clicking Apply gives an error ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21505 20210203 ------------------------------ [Fix] Remove the Checkboxes and 'Remove' button from Web Interface for Task History ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21502 20210129 ------------------------------ [Update] Display All Workspace Statistics Columns on the Workspaces page [Fix] Search Permission by Name field is not working as expected for Automations, Services, and Streams ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21331 20210708 ------------------------------ [Fix] Broadcast Message check can cause FME Server to stop responding ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21322 20210504 ------------------------------ [Fix] FME Server runs outs of memory when viewing Automation logs ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21318 20210420 ------------------------------ [Fix] COLOR Published Parameter input field is empty after selecting the color through the picker ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21317 20210416 ------------------------------ [Update] Improve deep health check to be more reliable and not impact Server functionality ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21316 20210415 ------------------------------ [Fix] REST API V4: Allow semicolon character for resource names ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21312 20210329 ------------------------------ [Update] Support COLOR GUI Type Parameter and Color Space/Value Configurations [Fix] Authentication Type forced to Basic with SSO enabled, SSO Login fails [Fix] Removing an engine from a Stream exposes the hidden Engine Assignment Rule for the stream ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21308 20210318 ------------------------------ [Fix] Date/Time User Parameter returns Offset in value [Fix] Error message contains Streams UUID when user does not have permission to overwrite a Stream ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21296 20210225 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations not properly saving FEATURE TYPES [Fix] Merged Feature Type : Can no longer run workspaces that have a merged feature type reader for databases ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21291 20210218 ------------------------------ [Update] License Request Form Updates ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21288 20210212 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations - "Build Automation" should be hidden for users with "Access" only permission [Fix] Automations - Dragging Trigger nodes onto guide nodes loses ports and should be restricted [Fix] Non-migratable resource connection dependency should not be added to a project in a distributed environment ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21282 20210204 ------------------------------ [Fix] Geometry Picker not working as expected (Missing image for Point, Polygon/Rectangle not operating correctly) ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21281 20210203 ------------------------------ [Update] Projects should detect Resource Connections used in Automations/Server Apps and include them as dependencies ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21276 20210127 ------------------------------ [Fix] REST API V3: distinguishedName should display as a required parameter for "Retrieve a LDAP role" endpoint; filter should display as required parameter for "Retrieve all LDAP roles" endpoint ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21275 20210126 ------------------------------ [Fix] IMAP Trigger: Change tooltip for to Emails to Fetch to specify "unread messages" [Fix] Require Password Change Update message in modal and error toast messages to use "Directory Server" keywords ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21274 20210125 ------------------------------ [Update] Extend Default Time for 'Job History' Scheduled Cleanup Task ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21272 20210121 ------------------------------ [Fix] FMEServerJobSubmitter: Remove Job Priority parameter even if Advanced section is collapsed [Fix] WebSocket Trigger truncates messages with string length greater than ~4095 characters ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21268 20210115 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations > View Triggered Jobs: Right-click to open in a new tab does not have the filter applied ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21263 20210108 ------------------------------ [Update] REST API V4 endpoints for Queue Management ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21254 20201218 ------------------------------ [Fix] Error text importing a Project with an Automation specifies the UUID instead of Automation Name ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21252 20201216 ------------------------------ [Fix] When duplicating a workspace app, the "User Can Upload" toggle behaviour doesn't get duplicated ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21247 20201209 ------------------------------ [Add] FME Server Queue Control ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b21088 20200422 ------------------------------ [Add] Geometry Picker Enhancements ------------------------------ FME 2022.0.0.0 b20826 20210430 ------------------------------ [Fix] Investigate fmeserver.exe hang that blocks use of FME Server