================================== FME Server 2021.2.2.0 "What's New" ================================== ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.2.0 b21805 20220104 ------------------------------ [Fix] Upgrade log4j to 2.17.1 or Newer ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.2.0 b21800 20211215 ------------------------------ [Fix] Upgrade log4j 2.14.1 to 2.16.0 or newer ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.1.0 b21797 20211202 ------------------------------ [Fix] Clicking the "Cancel" button after configuring a System Event redirects the user to the History page ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.1.0 b21795 20211129 ------------------------------ [Fix] Only update Web Connection info when needed (prevent overwriting valid token information) ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.1.0 b21792 20211122 ------------------------------ [Fix] Restore process should not fail due to job routing rule with no queue set ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.1.0 b21791 20211119 ------------------------------ [Fix] fmetoken Service is Hanging (Concurrent Requests) ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.1 b21786 20211103 ------------------------------ [Fix] Unable to create successful Generic Directory connection: "Directory server contents are not yet available" and no ERROR in Log File ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.1 b21785 20211103 ------------------------------ [Fix] Automations: Connecting components disables the Workspace dropdown menu in new actions [Fix] REGEXP_OR_STRING_ENCODED type Parameter is not parsed correctly on FME Server ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21779 20211022 ------------------------------ [Fix] FME Server Web UI: Expiration Calendar opens upward and cuts off at Month and Year tabs for Webhook page, Schedules and Server Apps. Only occurs in Dark Mode. ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21763 20210928 ------------------------------ [Fix] Redundant error message (toast) is displayed for duplicate Engine Assignment Rule ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21760 20210923 ------------------------------ [Fix] S3 Resource Connection validation fails without optional path parameter ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21757 20210920 ------------------------------ [Fix] User Management: Search does not always work when there are a lot of users ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21746 20210902 ------------------------------ [Add] CityEngineModelGenerator 1.x package updates uploaded to FME Hub ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21738 20210823 ------------------------------ [Update] Web Services on FME Server: Allow users to select Connections based on similar Web Services [Fix] ArcGIS Portal Web Connection published parameter works in FME Workbench but not Server if only "Esri ArcGIS Portal (Template)" is selected ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21737 20210820 ------------------------------ [Update] Log the Refresh Token Exchange for OAuth ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21736 20210819 ------------------------------ [Fix] Stale data after re-authenticating an ArcGIS Online Web Connection causes invalid connection ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21732 20210813 ------------------------------ [Fix] System Configuration > Tooltip icons are not consistently spaced ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21729 20210810 ------------------------------ [Fix] Schedule end time selector gets stuck when start time is set ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21723 20210729 ------------------------------ [Add] Queue Control: Engine Assignment Properties ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21720 20210726 ------------------------------ [Update] Add Enable/Disable All checkbox to Event Keys [Fix] Resources - Display name with * ? | ^ + characters search not working ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21719 20210723 ------------------------------ [Update] Schedule: reorder parameters for Type: Basic [Fix] Can edit and save an existing Schedule when the Repeat on Interval field is blank from migration ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21714 20210716 ------------------------------ [Add] New Format: CKAN Datastore Reader/Writer (Python) ** 1 KC Idea [Fix] Safari: Automations Node ports cut off ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21713 20210715 ------------------------------ [Update] Add Workspace Action Reset Parameters option ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21710 20210712 ------------------------------ [Fix] "Run Workspace" Page Header appears over Heading Banner/Logo in FME Server Apps ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21709 20210709 ------------------------------ [Fix] Security: Error manually importing Directory Servers group after importing through UI ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21708 20210708 ------------------------------ [Update] Split-Merge Block: Better validation for links that bypass the input port [Fix] "Trigger Automations" is available for multiple Automations but only triggers one ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21707 20210707 ------------------------------ [Update] Geometry Picker: Add search functionality so users can enter address/building name to find location [Update] Geometry Picker: Pin Icons too similar on Draw Marker and Zoom Home ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21706 20210706 ------------------------------ [Update] Automations: Option to override when importing keys from JSON [Fix] Create New User Key button adds new fields above existing user keys on Windows FME Server ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21704 20210630 ------------------------------ [Fix] Missing heading tooltips - navigating to sub pages [Fix] Projects: Adding Automations with UNC resource path dependancy are not able to save ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21702 20210628 ------------------------------ [Update] Correctly set source type and source id when resubmitting jobs [Update] Support 'Resubmit Job' for Automations Jobs [Fix] Automations: Node badges sometimes show up as empty white circles [Fix] Deleting Queue sometimes does not disable Engine Rule with matching Queue Property [Fix] Jobs Page: Results and page numbers are incorrect and/or missing after using the 'Back' button ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21633 20211013 ------------------------------ [Fix] FME OAuth Service does not produce logs correctly ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21624 20210817 ------------------------------ [Fix] Restarting FME Server using Streams shows up as Queues in Engine Management ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21612 20210715 ------------------------------ [Fix] Job is continuously resubmitted if a duplicate job already exists in the Job History table ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21599 20210617 ------------------------------ [Add] FFS: Compression ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21566 20210503 ------------------------------ [Add] Security: Add Support for Active Directory on Azure ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21544 20210331 ------------------------------ [Add] SQLCreator/SQLExecutor: Expose attributes from query in correct order ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21331 20210708 ------------------------------ [Fix] Broadcast Message check can cause FME Server to stop responding ------------------------------ FME 2021.2.0.0 b21088 20200422 ------------------------------ [Add] Geometry Picker Enhancements