================================== FME 2021.0.3.2 "What's New" ================================== ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.3.2 b21329 20210610 ------------------------------ [Fix] GeometryValidator: Donut polygons failing OGC Simple & OGC Valid in FME 2021+ ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.3.2 b21328 20210603 ------------------------------ [Fix] Esri Indexed 3D Scene Layer Writer: output of a large dataset is marked invalid by ArcPro's Validate Scene Layer geoprocessing tool ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.3.0 b21325 20210518 ------------------------------ [Fix] Data Inspector: Not saving window layout after closing ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.3.0 b21323 20210505 ------------------------------ [Fix] PDFStyler: Crash when selecting Text Font parameter ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.2.0 b21317 20210416 ------------------------------ [Fix] Workspaces using Database Connections fail with "unable to open database file" error ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.2.0 b21316 20210414 ------------------------------ [Fix] Geodatabase - feature type loses attribute conditional values. [Fix] Shapefile reader: Cannot read PRJ from Japanese encoded folders ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.2.0 b21315 20210408 ------------------------------ [Fix] GeoJSON: fails with JSON syntax error when reading from URL ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.1.0 b21311 20210325 ------------------------------ [Fix] Bufferer: Performance regression affecting 2021.0 ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.1.0 b21308 20210318 ------------------------------ [Fix] Generalizer: flagged as Incomplete Transformer when moving from FME 2020 to 2021 ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b21284 20210209 ------------------------------ [Update] Support selecting attribute values for the 'in' operator ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b21283 20210205 ------------------------------ [Fix] Selecting Coordinate System Causes FME to Slowdown or Freeze ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b21282 20210204 ------------------------------ [Add] Improvements to Setting Workspace ArcGIS & Python Compatibility ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b21277 20210128 ------------------------------ [Update] Improve highlighting of selected Transformer ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b21273 20210122 ------------------------------ [Add] Performance Enhancements: SpatialFilter ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b21270 20210120 ------------------------------ [Add] FeatureMerger: Performance [Add] New Connector: CKAN Filestore Connector ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b21268 20210116 ------------------------------ [Add] New Format: Apache Parquet Reader ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b21256 20201223 ------------------------------ [Add] Geometry Processing: New PipeEvaluator transformer [Add] Performance Enhancements: SpatialRelator ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b21254 20201218 ------------------------------ [Add] New Transformer: H3HexagonalIndexer ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b21247 20201209 ------------------------------ [Add] FME Server Queue Control ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b21229 20201113 ------------------------------ [Add] New Format: Apache Parquet Writer ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b21205 20201008 ------------------------------ [Add] Improve the /metrics API Endpoint to Support Scaling and Predicting Job Load ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b21202 20201005 ------------------------------ [Add] Performance Enhancements: Intersector and LineOnLineOverlayer ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b21166 20200813 ------------------------------ [Add] Expose Job Statistics in FME Server Job History, Repositories & Schedules ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b21124 20200612 ------------------------------ [Add] Automations Guaranteed Delivery ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b21117 20200603 ------------------------------ [Add] New Format: Qubicle Binary Voxelgrid Reader ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b21116 20200602 ------------------------------ [Add] Tester: Performance ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b21107 20200520 ------------------------------ [Add] FME Server Gallery Apps [Add] GeometryExtractor: Performance ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b21065 20200318 ------------------------------ [Add] Excel (XLSX) Reader/Writer Improvements ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b20551 20200507 ------------------------------ [Add] Support for Dynamic Engine Licensing in Offline Environments ------------------------------ FME 2021.0.0.0 b20088 20190918 ------------------------------ [Add] Dynamic Engine Licensing: Initial Support