=========================== FME 2018.1.2.1 "What's New" =========================== ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18592 20190319 ------------------------------ MapTextLabeller: Fix wslocale error that halts translation in many cases Microsoft Access Reader: Set invalid dates to null rather than ending the translation and support years 1-999 ! ! ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18591 20190312 ------------------------------ Legal: updated the FME Desktop Legal Notices for 2018.1 Installer: Remove JDBC driver from FME Server ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18590 20190225 ------------------------------ FME Workbench: Fix proxy-related issues when using exception lists and custom proxy map. ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18589 20190214 ------------------------------ Python: Ensure print() works in Python shutdown script. ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18588 20190131 ------------------------------ ARCGISPORTALFEATURES: Improved handling of error responses [FMEENGINE-58186] C142537 ARCGISPORTALFEATURES: Renamed Host to Portal URL; made GUI ensure it's a valid HTTP(S) URL. [FMEENGINE-57790] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18587 20190124 ------------------------------ ARCGISPORTALFEATURES: Fixed KeyError with ArcGIS 10.6.1 and added better handling of access token expiry [FMEENGINE-57807] C141195 C141762 C141983 C142542 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18586 20190121 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18585 20190117 ------------------------------ FTPCaller: Updated libssh2 so AES-CTR encryption modes can be used [FMEENGINE-30001] [FMEENGINE-30363] C126151 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18584 20190114 ------------------------------ MapInfo Quick Translator: Fixed problem of garbled non-Latin coordinate system names [FMEENGINE-57684] C141151 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18583 20190110 ------------------------------ FTPCaller: Improve support for explicit FTPS [FMEENGINE-57878] C142008 DateTimeConverter, DateTimeCalculator: Accept dates with years 0001 to 0999. [FMEENGINE-10345] C141320 FMESession: Fixed issue where print() in Python shutdown script prevented future FME sessions from being created. [FMEENGINE-57605] C138842 C139049 C139733 C140162 C141070 C141238 Sorter: Fix geometry getting incorrectly duplicated when processing feature tables [FMEENGINE-57696] C141138 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18582 20190107 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18581 20190103 ------------------------------ Oracle: Reduce message severity from WARN to INFORM when unable to determine Oracle version number [FMEENGINE-57553] C140519 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18580 20181224 ------------------------------ JavaScriptCaller: Amended deprecation warning to include macOS timeline [FMEENGINE-57676] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18579 20181214 ------------------------------ JavaScriptCaller: Added deprecation warning when it is used [FMEENGINE-57676] MSSQL JDBC Writer: Fixed bug converting DATETIME 24 hour time to 12 hour time [FMEENGINE-57690] XFORMER Reader: Return current transformer version [FMEENGINE-57719] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18578 20181203 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18577 20181130 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18576 20181129 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18575 20181128 ------------------------------ PostgreSQL Writer: Accept writing of non-FME and non-ISO datetimes [FMEENGINE-57135] C140787 C138910 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18574 20181127 ------------------------------ Oracle Writer: Reduce message severity from WARN to INFORM when unable to determine Oracle version number [FMEENGINE-57553] C140519 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18573 20181126 ------------------------------ GML writer: Fixed xml fragments on attributes with xml_geometry type writing [FMEENGINE-57559] C140743 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18572 20181122 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18571 20181121 ------------------------------ Amazon Athena: Allowed underscores in driver filename [FMEENGINE-57316] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18570 20181119 ------------------------------ Geocoder: Fixed issues with Google Maps and client+secret authentication [FMEENGINE-57524] C140794 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18569 20181113 ------------------------------ Workbench: FME Options - Removed GUI button for 'Use system OpenGL for Web View' [FMEDESKTOP-8040] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18568 20181108 ------------------------------ GeoDB Reader: Fixed crash caused by entangled and aliased geometry property attribute handling [FMEENGINE-57093] C138881 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18567 20181107 ------------------------------ Xerces-C: Windows - upgraded Xerces v3.1.4 to v3.2.2, [FMEENGINE-57199] C140082 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18566 20181105 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18565 20181103 ------------------------------ SQL Server: Fixed uncaught exception - column name accessed with bad index [FMEENGINE-57239] C139960 WFS reader: Fixed bounding box specifying HTTP POST request [FMEENGINE-57320] C140305 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18564 20181101 ------------------------------ GeometryReplacer: GML - fixed BOM-less UTF-16 data read error [FMEENGINE-57345] C140257 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18563 20181031 ------------------------------ GMLGeometry: When XML parsing fails, output features through the Rejected port [FMEENGINE-57345] C140257 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18562 20181029 ------------------------------ Excel Writer: Fixed template sheet parameter error [FMEENGINE-57308] C140205 Amazon Athena: Added support for Java 8 driver [FMEENGINE-57316] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18561 20181026 ------------------------------ SQL Server: Change default date/time column type back to datetime2 [FMEENGINE-56580] C139249 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18560 20181025 ------------------------------ Oracle Writer: Either drop numeric fields with non-numeric values or write as NULL, depending on Strict Attribute Conversion option [FMEENGINE-10435] C139877 Workbench: Fixed problem where cached document lists were not cleared on refresh/reparse [FMEDESKTOP-7510] C140057 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18559 20181019 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18558 20181018 ------------------------------ PowerPointWriter: Fixed image distortion [FMEENGINE-56606] C139216 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18557 20181017 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18556 20181016 ------------------------------ CityGML reader: Made reading more tolerant when texture coordinates are missing the last duplicating first coordinate [FMEENGINE-56560][FMEENGINE-57211] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18555 20181011 ------------------------------ FeatureReader: Removed duplicate WHERE clause parameter in some database reader settings [FMEENGINE-56884] AttributeCreator: Fixed evaluation of conditional values with feature tables [FMEENGINE-57152] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18554 20181006 ------------------------------ PowerPointWriter: Fixed reversions in image scaling [FMEENGINE-56606] C139216 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18553 20181002 ------------------------------ MSWordWriter: Allow tables to have null values [FMEENGINE-56270] PLANETDATA: Fixed thumbnail reading. [FMEENGINE-57095] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18552 20180926 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18551 20180926 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18550 20180921 ------------------------------ Transformers: Fixed default values for JSONFragmenter to properly validate older versions [FMEENGINE-56652] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18549 20180914 ------------------------------ GML: Added "Reproject Disparate CRS in Multiple Geometries" reader parameter [FMEENGINE-56534] Workbench: Workbench: Fixed AttributeValidator with non-ASCII characters in attribute name [FMEENGINE-56498] C139163 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18548 20180910 ------------------------------ XMLFormatter: Fixed file writing when the output file comes from an attribute value. [FMEENGINE-56555] Python: Upgraded BeautifulSoup from 4.4.1 to 4.6.3 on Windows and Mac. [FMEENGINE-56281] C138044 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18547 20180903 ------------------------------ FileGDB: ArcGIS Online Auto timezoneset instead of convert [FMEENGINE-56458] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18546 20180830 ------------------------------ ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Honouring datetime with timezone when creating Feature Service [FMEENGINE-56458] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18545 20180829 ------------------------------ DateTimeConverter: Default repair overflow yes [FMEENGINE-56446] Coordinate Systems: Fixed Belge72 to ETRS89 NTv2 grid [FMEENGINE-56288] USGS_DEM reader: Apply elevation of local datum to each elevation value. [FMEENGINE-56093] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18544 20180828 ------------------------------ ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Fixed error when writing timezone-aware values. [FMEENGINE-56434] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18543 20180827 ------------------------------ JDBC Writers: Ignore modern style timezones [FMEENGINE-56433] IFC: Fix reading of IfcMaterialProperties in IFC4 data files [FMEENGINE-30018] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18542 20180823 ------------------------------ XMLFlattener: Fixed XML reader hanging when reading data which contains a BOM [FMEENGINE-56330] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18541 20180822 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18540 20180821 ------------------------------ SENTINEL2AWS: Added AWS connection parameter for Requester Pays bucket [FMEENGINE-56089] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18539 20180820 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18538 20180816 ------------------------------ FMEObjects: Updated doc for Python FMEWorkspaceRunner [DOT-2358] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18537 20180815 ------------------------------ PDF2D Reader: Fixed incorrect transformation of coordinate system control points when not WGS84 [FMEENGINE-56168] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18536 20180810 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18535 20180809 ------------------------------ Workbench: Properly prompt for user parameters related to workspace [FMEENGINE-56045] C138344 Transformers: Fixed 'is empty' test to properly handle missing attributes [FMEENGINE-56047] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18534 20180809 ------------------------------ Python: Fixed crash when Python scripted parameter, PythonCaller/Creator, and Esri Python interpreter are used in workspace. [FMEENGINE-28064] C138257 Installer: Update JRE to 8u181 for Windows [REL-848] Installer: Update JRE to 8u181 for Mac and Linux Fix [REL-848] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18533 20180807 ------------------------------ Installer: Update JRE to 8u181 for Mac and Linux [REL-848] ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18532 20180804 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18531 20180802 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18530 20180801 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18529 20180731 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18528 20180730 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18527 20180727 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18526 20180726 ------------------------------ Workbench: Fixed hang on Workbench startup when older transformers that do not have a version number specified are present (PR84494) C138112 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18525 20180725 ------------------------------ MS SQL Server / Azure JDBC: Enable statement caching to improve performance (PR84212) Workbench: Fixed 'Convert to Attached Annotation' to be the same size as Summary Annotation (PR84466) JDBC - Teradata Reader / Writers: restored support for Unicode characters (PR84427) C137943 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18524 20180724 ------------------------------ IMDF: Fixed infinite loop caused by malformed JSON file (PR84468) AppearanceExtractor: fixed memory leaks (PR#84299) C137701 Writer Feature Type: Fixed problem where changes to "Attributes to Remove" would not activate "Apply" button in "Parameter Editor" dialog (PR#84396) C138024 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18523 20180723 ------------------------------ JDBC - MS SQL Server: added troubleshooting message for SSL Connection failures in older SQL Server instances (PR84195) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18522 20180720 ------------------------------ Mac Encoding: Set LANG environment variable to propagate UTF-8 encoding setting on Mac. (PR#82774) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18521 20180719 ------------------------------ Tester: Prevented strings containing "Nan" from being evaluated as "NaN" in automatic mode (PR#84438) PowerPointWriter and MSWordWriter: Added missing modules to installer (PR#84435) FeatureWriter: Dynamic Schema - Changes to "Attributes to Remove" do not persist (PR#84396) C138024 Workbench: Fixed application crash for user names with Japanese characters when the locale is Japanese (PR84423) INSPIRE/GML writers: avoid rewriting internal parts when aggregate is not tagged as multi geometry, e.g., when writing contents of some INSPIRE property element, PR84374. ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18520 20180717 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18519 20180716 ------------------------------ Creator: Fixed crash when creating more than 10000 features and no Creation Instance attribute is specified (PR#84401) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18518 20180713 ------------------------------ Geodatabase: Fail raster dataset reading when using ArcGIS Pro 2.2+ (PR84379) JPEG reader: Fixed error when reading certain large files (PR#84383) Geodatabase: Fixed raster dataset writing for ArcGIS Pro 2.2 (PR84369) IMDF: Removed AVF from IMDF format long name, PR83351. ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18517 20180712 ------------------------------ OSG Reader: Fixed reading of models with UVWQ texture coordinates (PR83517) C136582 Geodatabase: Fixed version checking for ArcGIS Pro (PR84348)(PR84351) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18516 20180710 ------------------------------ Workbench: Fixed crash on launch when the system's user name contains non-ASCII characters (PR#84327) C137226 C137555 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18515 20180709 ------------------------------ IMDF: Updated from AVF v2 to IMDF v1. (PR84310) Workbench: fixed right-hand side not disabling when switching from one 'attribute *' operation to another (PR84293) Workbench: fixed port connection switch when opening old workspaces containing an AttributeFilter (PR84295) IMDF: Renamed AVF to IMDF (PR83351) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18514 20180706 ------------------------------ LAS writer: Fixed number of points by return for version 1.4 files (PR#48374) C81795 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18513 20180705 ------------------------------ Geocoder: Remove FreeGeoIP.net provider; it shut down on 2018-07-01. (PR84272) Workbench: fixed regression where TestFilter was not going red when attributes became invalid (PR84275) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18512 20180704 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18511 20180703 ------------------------------ Revert "Tcl: Remove unnecessary stack depth checks from Tcl interpreter. (PR#84204) C137618" REDSHIFT: Added support for Numeric data type (PR#84256) C137647 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18510 20180629 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18509 20180628 ------------------------------ Esri Legacy ArcSDE: Warn user of format deprecation in FME2019+ (PR84220) Tcl: Removed unnecessary stack depth checks from Tcl interpreter. (PR#84204) C137618 Workbench: Fixed bad help label showing up in reader/writer parameter settings when invoked from FeatureReader/FeatureWriter (PR#82873) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18508 20180627 ------------------------------ HERE Venue Map (GML) Reader: read back after roundtrip, PR84199. Workbench: Fix rejected feature caches not viewable when Feature Caching is off (PR#84196) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18507 20180626 ------------------------------ FileGDB: Change default geometry detection to complex (PR84178) C137605 Installer: Update Server installer dialog option for custom on Linux. (PR#83911) SQL Server: Fix DatabaseJoiner performance regression (PR83943) C137292 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18506 20180625 ------------------------------ DatabaseJoiner: Fixed error showing table list for Oracle formats when loaded from an existing workspace (PR#84143) C137580 DI: 2D: Fixed the black raster rendering when the background map is on. (PR#83680) C137368 DICOM Reader: Allowed warn-and-continue if images files are missing in DICOMDIR index (PR#84078) DatabaseJoiner: Read and cache all data for File Geodatabase as before (PR#83686) C136714 C137577 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18505 20180622 ------------------------------ Geodatabase: Fixed writing with template feature type name (PR83863) C137117 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18504 20180621 ------------------------------ Coordinate Systems: Remove incorrect Carthage exception con't - EPSG variant (PR#83835) MRR: Removed from win32 (PR#84141). MSWordWriter: Refine invalid table width error messages (PR#81683) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18503 20180620 ------------------------------ PinterestConnector: Added pinterestConnectorDefs module to Linux and Mac. (PR83978) WFS reader: v2.0.0 - use enclosing parenthesis when multiple feature types are selected in the TYPENAMES KVP, PR83194, PR74464. C121235 C124436 C124436 DI: Fixed a crash by not using a reader that failed earlier. (PR#83017) S3 Transformers: Remove expanded region support due to library constraints (PR#82533) C135047 GeometryCoercer: Set fme_basename when coercing to fme_point_cloud (PR#84067). FeatureReader: Fixed problem where workspace with old version of transformer failed to run (PR#84108) Coordinate Systems: Removed incorrect Carthage exception (PR#83835) C137103 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18502 20180619 ------------------------------ Workbench: fix crash when resizing or deleting bookmarks that were the exact same size and location (PR84005) C137382 HTMLReportGenerator: Fix crash on Mac/Linux when clicking on Content Settings after change Page Contents (PR#84062) C137438 LAS: Added LAZ compression support for point formats introduced in version 1.4 (PR#48374). C81795 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18501 20180618 ------------------------------ MSWordStyler: Add missing GUI dependencies to installer (PR#83984) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18500 20180615 ------------------------------ GOOGLESHEETS: Halt early when writer has read-only access to worksheet. (PR84064) Python: Ignore FME_TEMP if it doesn't exist and can't be created. (PR83246) C136166 DI: Log: Bring up the error log when there is an error message. (PR54975) DI: Concurrency: Fixed a deadlock when stopping the worker process. (PR83453) RasterConvolver: Clean up extraneous white space in weights value (PR84054) RealDWG: Fix crash with User Dictionary XRecord Data Reading (PR#83705) DI: Display Control: Do not reopen table view when the feature type name is selected. (PR82616) RealDWG: Fix crash reading xrefs (PR#83442) C136504 FMEAR: Fixing wordings of destination file selection to be the same (PR#84059) Workbench: place attached annotation for a bookmark inside bookmark (PR84037) C137122 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18499 20180614 ------------------------------ Workbench: Allow user to create a bookmark around any selected node using a menu. Make the 'create bookmark' menu behave the same as the ctrl-B shortcut. (PR84036) C137122 Server Installer: On RedHat/CentOS, don't say we need IUS (PR#84016). IFC: Add reading of "type objects" and associated property sets. (PR69269) C113030 C117856 C120327 C130891 C134977 Workbench: avoid creating a circular reference of contained objects when two bookmarks are exactly on top of each other. This avoids crashes when moving those bookmarks and when opening the workspace (PR84005) C137382 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18498 20180613 ------------------------------ Dynamic Schema: Allow attributes whose names contain spaces (or other objectionable characters) to be removed. (PR#83993) Python: Warn about Python 2.7 only once per translation. (PR83962) Geodatabase: Fix regression when updating feature with NULL geometry (PR83420) GOOGLESHEETS: Raise request timeout from 20 to 60 seconds. (PR82848) C134820 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18497 20180612 ------------------------------ ARCGISPORTALFEATURES: Fix stalling when HTTPS certificate can't be verified. (PR82965) C135236 C136295 C137390 Workbench: do not lose selection when multiple items in the selection list map to same output attribute name (PR83963) FME AR Writer: Allow existing directory writers to be updated to new file writers (PR#83975) DBF Reader: Fix reading memo. Remove extra leading chars in the value (PR#83937) Workbench: apply 'move with bookmark' changes immediately (PR83968) (PR75127) C137244 Workbench: move python stat tracking to document close. Warn about python usage if puthon published parameter is used (PR83797) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18496 20180611 ------------------------------ DI: Fixed a crash by queuing up requests when FME session is not ready. (PR#83776) C137008 Workbench: fix connection from Denodo reader missing from nav tree and fme server wizard. (PR82710) SAS, SAV, RDATA Reader: Fix crash reading schemas (PR#70462) C135964 Java Plugin SDK: Added note to describe consequences of setting FME_JVM_DEBUG_PORT. (PR83955) C136638 XMLFragmenter: disallow multiple file selection for xml source, PR82145. XMLFormatter: Allow output file to be specified in attribute value, PR83831. C137077 GML/INSPIRE reader: use auto generated prefix for target namespace having no namespace declaration in the set of parsed schemas, PR83475. C136552 FFS: Add support for stripping multi reader attributes from feature tables (PR#83853) C137184 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18495 20180609 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18494 20180607 ------------------------------ DICOM Reader: Attached per-frame attributes to proper frame feature instead of all frames (PR#83899) IFC: Fix the writing of typed IFC properties. (PR83598) Creator: Fix Clothoid transformation matrix cannot be disabled once set (PR#80816) Workbench: Fixed regression where Workbench will crash on startup, if FME is unlicensed (PR#83920) ImageFetcher: Preserve encodings of attributes on the input feature. (PR83919) C137165 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18493 20180606 ------------------------------ Generalizer: Reallowed 0 as a NURBfit segment length (PR#83908) FeatureReader: Fixed error when reader parameters contain an ampersand (PR#82240). Workbench: Fixed regression where deprecated transformers started showing up in transformer gallery and quick add (PR#83905) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18492 20180605 ------------------------------ AttributeManager: Fixed renaming of feature table attributes (PR#83868). MeasureExtractor: handle all types of curves. (PR#83747) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18491 20180604 ------------------------------ Ingres JDBC: commit all features before performing schema read (PR83881) Workbench: add warning when open workspace with python .2.7 compatibility (PR83797) MS SQL JDBC: added support for datetimeoffset in bulk insert mode (PR83755) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18490 20180601 ------------------------------ Python: Added warning message of Python 2.7 reduced support. (PR83798) PDF2D Reader: Fixed issue where empty layer names resulted in invalid feature type names (PR#82983) MapText: Upgrade to fix stacking justification (PR#83871). ISCE Writer: Fix writing of image types and extensions (PR#83855) Python: Set PYTHONHOME for custom interpreters and always use bundled Python in FME GUI. (PR82767) C135332 S3 Transformers: Add support for London, Paris, and Ningxia regions (PR#82533) C135047 CityGML reader: read texture file when imageURI is a URL, PR83808. C137062 Multiprocessing: Pass FME_PYTHON_VERSION value to subprocesses in TransformFact. (PR#82765) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18489 20180531 ------------------------------ FME Help: Avoid crash when clicking external links on Mac. (PR#83022) Workbench: Ensure popup connection toolbar is shown when feature caching is off (PR#83788) CSMAP: Add MapInfo and Oracle mapping exceptions for Portugal coordinate systems (PR83016) C128766 Sampler: Features and Feature Table features tracked correctly (PR#83796) RasterStatisticsCalculator: Fix GUI line table prompt and defaults for published parameters (PR#83817) ListDuplicateRemover: Allow for nonexistent list attributes on input features. (PR#83504) C136400 C136612 C136879 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18488 20180530 ------------------------------ ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Handle new variant of "SSL required" error response. (PR83827) C136936 FMEServerJobSubmitter: When connecting to FME Server 2018 and later, job priority is no longer shown (PR#83285). MapInfo MFAL, MITAB, MIF Writers: Honor user supplied bounds in the FeatureWriter (PR#83133) C135978 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18487 20180529 ------------------------------ MSWordStyler: Remove Title as a Header style (PR#81711) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18486 20180528 ------------------------------ Workbench: handle rubber band selection of bookmarks when mode is 'intersects' (PR83749) PowerPointWriter: Add additional ordering functionality; fix issue writing international characters (PR#82670, PR#82791) C135175 C135732 Surface Modeller: Don't emit a feature when the Feature Table would contain 0 records (PR#83732) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18485 20180526 ------------------------------ Python: Fixed crash due to Python usage in DataInterop. (PR81302) DI: Mac: Fixed a crash when opening the application menu. (PR#83670) Installer: Upgrade Mac JRE to 8u171 (PR#81452) Workbench: Fix regression where transformer icon in Quick Add and gallery was showing up as package transformer icon (PR#83736) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18484 20180524 ------------------------------ Inspector: Launch DataInspector on Linux/macOS in more stable way (PR#81676). DI: Mac: Fix crash when exit full screen from menu (PR#69297) C117449 HTMLExtractor: Fix problem with mixed-case attribute tag selectors (PR#79395) C127803 ChartGenerator: Fix error when data and error attribute names have spaces (PR#80307) C132347 C133238 Workbench: fix expansion of embedded published parameter values (PR83647) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18483 20180524 ------------------------------ Workbench: Delete FMETable subdirectory when purging temporary files (PR#83269). C136147 C136487 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18482 20180522 ------------------------------ MSSQL_SPATIAL: Add single geometry to aggregate when preserving multiple geometries (PR#83645) DI: Log: Removed log file and standard out from the log manager on exit. (PR#83697) Decelerator: Fixed problem Decelerator fails if the workspace has an Excel writer (PR#83662) C136804 Workbench: fix text inserted when user double clicks a list attribute (PR82743) C135337 Python: Fixed crash due to Python usage in DataInterop. (PR81302) DI: Feature Info: Fixed a crash in single feature selection on Mac. (PR#83696) HTTPCaller: Ensure html header options are not inadvertently translated to another language (PR#83661) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18481 20180520 ------------------------------ Sampler: Fix FirstN mode when not grouping and input is Feature and Feature Tables (PR#83663) Workbench: Fix attempt at partial running from a missing cache on a newly exposed collapsed bookmark port (PR#83492) Python: Made Python mismatch error message appear in FME Server's process monitor engine log. (PR83350) ! ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18480 20180517 ------------------------------ ORACLE: datetime conversion error nulls (PR#76659) C135980 Data Inspector: Remove internal encoding from feature cache names (PR#83377) FeatureJoiner: Changed behavior of attributes with conflicting names in a Full Join. Now, key attributes will always be preserved, and non-key attributes will be set to in the unselected table. (PR#82923) MapnikRasterizer: Fixed problem where referenced files were not included correctly with the saved template document (PR#82865) StatisticsCalculator: Add fme_type and null geometry to summary feature (PR#80287) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18479 20180516 ------------------------------ SalesforceConnector: Handle path-only URLs in paginated query responses. (PR82733) Workbench: Fixed problem where import or update feature types would fail if dataset value contained comma (PR#83609) C136636 RasterCellCoercer: Fix crash when coercing rasters with grey bands (PR#83569) Creator, Cloner: Support Feature Tables for large enough copy counts (PR#83014)(PR#83015) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18478 20180515 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18477 20180514 ------------------------------ MapInfoExtended: Properly fix a created table (PR#83481) FeatureWriter: Fixed problem where SQL edit parameter won't work for GeoDatabase writer (PR#83476) Python: Changed default Workspace Python Compatibility to "Python 2.7 or 3.4+" and fixed FME engine behavior when Python version mismatches exist. (PR83350) ExcelStyler: Remove support for @CurrentAttribute to fix poor performance of transformer (PR#83251,PR#81663) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18476 20180512 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18475 20180512 ------------------------------ MapInfoExtended Writer: Actually convert key columns to utf8 (PR#83460) Workbench: Don't write LOG_TIMINGS or LOG_FILTER_MASK lines to custom transformers or custom formats. (PR#83456) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18474 20180510 ------------------------------ MapInfoExtended Reader: Fast forward features when MIE populator is called with non-zero index (PR#82801) MapText: Add .NET instructions to error message in GUI when Label-EZ can't load (PR#83525). Workbench: Make a menu specific for inner bookmark contexts which is a mixture of the canvas and bookmark menus (PR83482) Google BigQuery: Fixed keyword not found issue with with old workspaces (PR83489) Workbench: Reduce idle CPU usage when many feature caches are shown on canvas (PR#83430) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18473 20180509 ------------------------------ Google BigQuery: Added support for embedded web connections (PR83489) ORACLE: Delayed delete of table for error checking purposes (PR#82958) C135641 Creator, Cloner: Support Feature Tables for large enough copy counts (PR#83014)(PR#83015) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18472 20180508 ------------------------------ Workbench: Allow variable width types to have zero width (PR#82893) Geodatabase: Add format attribute 'geodb_font_point_size' to reader (PR41103) Raster Convovler: Move kernel opeartion map to the shared file (PR#24574) C15655 C42016 C42363 C49484 C56587 C58427 C60577 C68007 C79851 C84299 C86622 C86110 C110512 C112103 C132997 MapInfoExtended Writer: Decode custom where clause from wwjd to allow quotations in the string (PR#83460) SQLite3 Reader/Writer: Throw exception when failing to prepare statement (PR#82306) Sorter: Fix sort on feature tables when more than one attribute is sorted on. (PR#83416) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18471 20180507 ------------------------------ Raster Convovler: Create a shared header file for custom GUI (PR#24574) C15655 C42016 C42363 C49484 C56587 C58427 C60577 C68007 C79851 C84299 C86622 C86110 C110512 C112103 C132997 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18470 20180505 ------------------------------ MapinfoExtended Writer: Change logMessage to logMessageUtf8Params (PR#82741) CSMap: Fix MapInfo 41 datum mapping (PR83146) C136082 SQLite Reader: Add missing argument to error log message (PR#82570) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18469 20180503 ------------------------------ CityGML writer: Declare brid as the prefix for the http://www.opengis.net/citygml/bridge/2.0 namespace, PR82686. Performance: Improve performance of FFS reading PR#83364 Raster Convolver: New Transformer: (PR#24574) C15655 C42016 C42363 C49484 C56587 C58427 C60577 C68007 C79851 C84299 C86622 C86110 C110512 C112103 C132997 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18468 20180502 ------------------------------ CSMAP: Logging more information on how to obtain missing grid files (PR81209) FILEGDB Reader: Add simple donut creation (orientation only) (PR72084) Geodatabase: geodb_text_feat_class_name attribute will be set automatically for feature-linked annotations (PR81102) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18467 20180501 ------------------------------ ORACLE: Add timestamp with timezone (PR#76659) C135980 Logging: Have fewer grammatical mistakes by using 'less' less often (PR#83279) C136320 PowerPointStyler: Switch to one feature per table row (PR#82177) Workbench: Fixed problem where OK button could not be enabled when fanout was enabled (PR#83299) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18466 20180430 ------------------------------ SQL Server: Fix regression reading one spatial column when there are multiple (PR#83287) C136300 JDBC: Applied different quote strings for JDBC formats when using "Script As" (PR83274) Installer: Fix error when choosing Engine install type. (PR#83295) C136373 Workbench: Fix bug where new nodes on connections would always be added as the last additional node. (PR#83272) Workbench: Fix drawing of squared-style connections with extra vertices. (PR#83315) Update Reader/Writer: Fixed problem where some parameter values were not preserved after update (PR#83298) C136389 Workbench: Warn on partial run when a VariableRetriever is used without a VariableSetter (PR#82600) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18465 20180428 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18464 20180425 ------------------------------ IGDS: Added support for oriented arcs (PR81534) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18463 20180424 ------------------------------ Workbench: Don't use feature caches from disabled transformers in partial runs (PR#82431) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18462 20180421 ------------------------------ internal changes ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18461 20180419 ------------------------------ ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Disallow FME-reserved characters in attribute names. (PR83213) C136145 ExcelStyler: Add support for @CurrentAttribute (PR#81663) Workbench: Fix feature caches from deleted reader feature types appearing on newly added ones (PR#82496) Shape/DBF writer: Fix writing of system language identifier for attributes in DBF files (PR#82913) Workbench: Watch for feature cache being purged from other workbench instance (PR#82996) Workbench: Don't prompt for missing/invalid caches for F6 hotkey (PR#82649) MYSQL: Allow casting from date to datetime (PR#32600) C43193 Workbench: Fix disabled objects causing incorrect nodes to run on Run Between (PR#83011); Combine Run Just This and Run To This hotkey (PR#83008) SQL Server (ADO): Support database listing with OS Authentication (PR#83088) C135854 C136155 Workbench: Fix custom transformers sometimes not run correctly for partial runs (PR#83168) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18460 20180418 ------------------------------ POINTCLOUDXYZ/CSV: Add automatic delimiter detection (PR#82390) FME AR: Switch to a file writer (PR#82200) ORACLE: Add timestamptz datatype to reading and writing (PR#76659) C135980 RasterStatisticsCalculator: Add String Palette Support (PR#9183) C27065 C86401 C88751 C99096 C105381 C104996 C108050 C110512 C117968 SQL Server (ADO) writer: Restore support for instances and ports (PR#83068) C135934 C135854 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18459 20180417 ------------------------------ MSSQL: Fix buffer overflow on Bulk copy on DBTIMESTAMPs (PR#76660) Workbench: Make ctrl-T and right click menu behaviour match when only a bookmark is selected. (PR82973) FME AR: Switch from Directory to File writer (PR#82200) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18458 20180416 ------------------------------ Workbench: Delete bookmarks before other objects to avoid crash (PR83072) CenterLineReplacer: Turned on CGAL assertions for the Straight Skeleton DLL. (PR#47676) FeatureJoiner: Fixed Automatic Comparison Mode when used with non-ascii compatible encodings (PR#83141). Workbench: Fix crash when double click edge of a bookmark containing collapsed bookmarks (PR83136) Workbench: Fix Quick Add slow down after adding EsriReprojector (PR#82729) C135349 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18457 20180415 ------------------------------ ODATA: Increase timeout; offset pagination using returned feature count. (PR83075) C135967 RRASTER Writer: Create writer for R's raster format, also add read support for palettes, byte order, and interleaving (PR#82664) GeometryValidator: Preserved geometry on rejected features (PR#82508) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18456 20180412 ------------------------------ AVF: Update the AVF plugin to version 2.0.0.beta.1 (PR83065,PR83066,PR83067,PR83069,PR83070,PR82546) ORACLE: Prevent version checking and logging on every feature (PR#82958) C135641 RasterStatisticsCalculator: New transformer - Merge conflict fix (PR#9183) C27065 C86401 C88751 C99096 C105381 C104996 C108050 C110512 C117968 DI: Table View: Handled temp folder path with space properly. (PR#83071) CSV2 reader: Fixed error when reading line with more entries than fields, on some system encodings (e.g. Japanese) (PR#83086). C135880 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18455 20180411 ------------------------------ Coordinate Systems: Add China 2000 datum, coordinate systems and exceptions; Deprecated old Beijing datum and coordinate systems (PR55537) MeshSimplifier: Improved a rejection code (PR#81876) MSSQL: Add datetimeoffset data type to reader and writer (PR#76660) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18454 20180410 ------------------------------ JDBC: Added option to mask connection strings (PR82990) Cesium: Implement feature type fanout in the Cesium 3D Tiles writer (PR83036) PowerPointWriter: Use fme_color and fme_fill_color attributes for maps when no overrides are specified (PR#81601) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18453 20180409 ------------------------------ DI: 3D: Adjust maximum texture size based on hardware (PR#42300) Sorter: Fix numeric sorting when Feature Table attribute is stored as a string (PR#83042) PowerPointWriter: Fix bug preventing hyperlinks from being created for map shapes (PR#82487) GDAL writer: Free memory earlier when generating pyramids (PR#82778). C135428 BoundingBoxReplacer: Restored 2Dness of 2D options (PR#82954) PowerPointWriter: Implement comprehensive unit tests and refactor for robustness (PR82166, PR82486) MSWordWriter: Fixed metafile configuration to remove user attributes tab in writer feature type dialog (PR#83021) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18452 20180407 ------------------------------ JDBC Cloud Spanner: Escaped primary key identifiers with backticks (PR78978) DBF: Better attribute name encoding handling (PR#70527) C117059 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18451 20180406 ------------------------------ FeatureJoiner: Take geometry attributes from the Geometry Handling side, not the Attribute Conflict side (PR#82908). RPM Installer: Don't ask pip to upgrade pip, since will pull it in from the package manager PR#82986 C135721 Workbench: Fix creation of custom transformer with collapsed bookmarks when shortcut is used. (PR82973) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18450 20180404 ------------------------------ JDBC Google BigQuery: Added web connection support (PR82064) C134327 Geodatabase: Fix Read exposed attributes when in alias mode or using additional attributes (PR82645)(PR82646) Workbench: After porting schema qualifier issue in PR#81854 to 2018.0.x, updated the maximum regression build number (PR#81854) C134280 Workbench: Fixed problem where published parameter used by feature types were not prompted before workspace run (PR#82976) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18449 20180403 ------------------------------ JDBC: Removed warnings for JDBC driver versions = 4 (PR79566) IGDS: Added support for oriented arcs (PR81534) Workbench: Fix crash when create custom transformer that contains a collapsed bookmark (PR82972) Workbench: Create tunnels within bookmarks (PR82979) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18448 20180402 ------------------------------ Bookmarks: Added toolbar update and highlighting on bookmark resize for partial runs (PR#81752) MS SQL Server - MS Azure SQL: Enabled bulk inserts for spatial attributes (PR82227) Counter: Support Feature Tables (PR#75516) Workbench: Fix crash when right click with multiple objects selected one of which is a collapsed bookmark (PR82947) C135737 GeometryValidator: Fixed crashes from attribute parameters (PR#82508) BoundingBoxReplacer: Preserved box type during upgrade (PR#82937) Coordinate systems - Rectified Skewed Orthometric: Add CH1903/GSB.LV03-M exception and warn about unsupported cases (PR55159) C95772 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18447 20180329 ------------------------------ IFMEMesh: Added color vertices to log (PR#81900) SectorGenerator: Allowed attributes with spaces (PR#82924) FeatureWriter: Fix duplicate factory name issue that could happen in some cases (PR#82897) C135589 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18446 20180327 ------------------------------ Apache Hive: Fixed ColumMetadata builder validation to allow nulls (PR82227) Workbench: Make F2 work for bookmark feature types (PR82902) Workbench: Fix 'run between' shortcut to work (PR82893) Partial Run: Fixed turning off caching does not hide partial run icons for selected objects (PR#81978) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18445 20180326 ------------------------------ Cloud Spanner: disallowed usage of space in table and column names (PR79562) Apache Hive Reader: Shortened fully qualified column names, enabled reader in DB joiner (PR82227) SAP HANA: Fixed format dependency error message for SAP Hana Spatial (PR82816) RasterCellCoercer: Fixed nodata cells always being created for some real32 nodata values, even when Extract Nodata Values is No (PR#82871). C135534 MapnikRasterizer: Fixed regression where files referenced by transformer were not picked up by template saving infrastructure (PR#82865) MySQL: Restore support for multiple feature types in new writers (PR#82884) PowerPointStyler: Add default value for Wrap Label Text (PR#82760) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18444 20180324 ------------------------------ XLSX Writer: Log and write file contents before erroring when exceeding row limit (PR#82675 ) C135182 KML: Fix error with non-ascii feature type fanout names (PR82790) C135454 Workbench: Handle collapsed bookmarks when doing remove unattached node operation (PR82766) MSWordStyler: Add JPEG or PNG files as the default filter for image source (PR82501) Workbench: Change to not word wrap for comment nodes created with the tunnel (PR82794) Transformers: Fix AttributeValidator to properly detect unique values for multiple input connections (PR81506) C133996 Workbench: Fix F6 shortcut to work when inspection is turned on/off during the workbench session (PR82829) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18443 20180322 ------------------------------ Workbench: Workspace created in older FME (2014) fails to open in FME2017 onwards (PR#82821) C135506 SHAREPOINT: Fix SharePoint Online SAML authentication. (PR82823) Workbench: Start counting conditions at 1 rather than 0 (PR82077) Workbench: Fix initial size of tunnel annotation (PR82794) Cloud Spanner: Upgraded driver to v0.26, allowed lowercase table names (PR78979) (PR81724) Workbench: Do not select MS Access on Linux for .mdb files (PR82700) Workbench: Update message to avoid weird spacing and indicate .recover file existance. Also allow user to cancel the load so they can go delete the file. (PR82763) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18442 20180321 ------------------------------ MongoDB, Elasticsearch, CouchDB, Cloudant: Fixed failure to write list attributes for writers created in FME 2018.0 before the FME 2018.0.1 patch (PR#82833) Workbench: Fix mapping file output in feature caching mode when transformers are in collapsed bookmark (PR#82773 & PR#75315) C122593 C132639 C131181 C135318 DI: Feature Filter: Fixed rendering issues when a background map is on. (PR#82436) RasterCellCoercer: Correctly position polygons when not extracting NODATA values from raster (PR#82806) C135402 Workbench: Fix drop in string for attribute when using Python and Javascript editor (PR#82743) C135337 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18441 20180320 ------------------------------ DI: Raster: Fixed slow raster reading. (PR#82797) DI: Table View: Display null values correctly. (PR#82788) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18440 20180319 ------------------------------ JDBC - MS Azure & SQL Server Writer: Enable Bulk Copy (PR61819) C116472 C120017 C120977 C131956 MSSQL: Add width to datetime2 for variable fractional seconds (PR#38517) CSV: Changed coordinate system granularity to DATASET (PR#81282) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18439 20180317 ------------------------------ XLSX Reader: Fix bug where numeric column was read as a char attribute (PR#80801) DataInspector: Avoid Linux/macOS crash on shutdown after viewing textured meshes (PR#82737). Installer: Fix maptext .NET registration to require .NET 4. (PR#82758) PDF2D Reader: Added default values for parameters that were initially disabled (PR#82347) FME: Fixed problem where Sampler would leak features when inside a collapsed bookmark and feature caching is on. (PR#82773) PointPropertySetter: Restored ability to reject (PR#82721) C135301 FME: Fix problem where dynamic writing would fail when schema was sourced from Schema From Table reader (PR#82761) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18438 20180315 ------------------------------ OGC GeoPackage Tiles Writer: Fixed crash when writing rasters with user attributes (PR#82735) Coordinate Systems: Add Belge72 to ETRS89 grid, official Belgium 72 coordinate system and deprecate old Belgium coordinate systems (PR79417) C131834 Python: Upgrade PyPAC from 0.3.0 to 0.8.1. (PR82683) PointPropertySetter: Added support for text and collections (PR#82721) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18437 20180314 ------------------------------ Sketchup: Improved accuracy for circle endpoints (PR#80214) JDBC MS SQL Server & Azure SQL Database: Updated MS SQL Server JDBC Driver to v6.5-preview (PR71236) C130882 C129256 OEM: Remove Universal CRT from Mapinfo OEM. (PR#81777) C134469 Triangulator: Made rejected/untouched ports independent of other connections (PR#82698) Installer: Fix queue node setting when Queue and Core are both installed. (PR#82659) VertexCreator: Added point support for insert mode (PR#82668) Inspector: Fixed definition of SAFE_FFS_NAME macro for linked custom transformers (PR#82413) C134769 JDBC - Cloud Spanner: Changed default quote string from double quotes to backticks (PR82504) MI Pro Quick Translator: Allow way to toggle saving of temporary mapping files (PR#48451) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18436 20180313 ------------------------------ Python: Show PY3 print() in log window; write print() to log file. (PR82653)(PR80658) Autodesk Recap Writer: Upgrade DeCap library to version (PR#78402) PDF2D Reader: Fixed embedded null characters in Read Non-Spatial Text mode (PR#82676) Installer: Make sure PostgreSQL is accessible in non-Express installations. (PR#82658) MongoDB, CouchDB, Cloudant, Elasticsearch Writers: Enabled writing new attributes to previously-existing datasets (PR#79335) VertexCreatorFactory: Restored original geometries to rejected features (PR#27961) FMERaster: Include geometry names in equality checks (PR#82703) Sketchup: Added a version number to the new dll (PR#82564) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18435 20180312 ------------------------------ Partial Run Toolbar: Resolved obstruction of partial run toolbar by pop up toolbar (PR#82456) FeatureJoiner: Reject features for a mismatched coordinate system when it differs from the first coordsys for its port, rather than the first coordsys for either port (unless aggregating geometry) (PR#82677). ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18434 20180310 ------------------------------ MYSQL: Add fractional seconds support to Time, DateTime and Timestamps (PR#76664) MSSQL_ADO: Add width argument to datetime2 (PR#38517) Geodatabase: Fix Read Exposed Attributes with annotations (PR 82605) C135170 Sketchup: Expose new library upgrade in install for Mac (PR#82564) Sketchup: Expose new library upgrade in install (PR#82564) FME: Fix problem where ReferenceFactory initialization failed if FME_TEMP path had non-ASCII characters (PR#82620) C134908 Tester: Fixed copying and pasting of in range operator - did not bring up the correct editor (PR#81774) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18433 20180308 ------------------------------ Workbench: Fix crash after reconnecting links to collapsed bookmark ports (PR#82625) MIF, DBF, E00, CAT: Improved reading performance (PR#82136) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18432 20180307 ------------------------------ Workbench: Do not crash when JVM fails to initialize. Fix JVM initialization to work when memory is 'tight' (PR82453) C134847 C135038 C135145 C93265 GML Writer: Write out INF and -INF string literals when min fractional digit parameter is set, PR82565. C134990 Workbench: Added FME Hub categories to workspace and transformer properties (PR#72202) BoundingBoxReplacer: Fixed missing default parameter. (PR#82601) DGNV8: Added support for reading/writing oriented arcs (PR77816) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18431 20180306 ------------------------------ GML Writer: Write out NaN as literal NaN, PR82565. Affiner: Refactored ellipse affining code (PR#81866) CLOUD SPANNER: Removed Cloud Spanner reader / writer on Win32 (PR82451) Installer: Update maptext wxs file with updated registry keys (PR#77160). Workbench: Properly update red gear when validation of transformer changes after collapsing for reasons unrelated to attribute changes. (PR82560) Workbench: Fix crash in JSONExtractor when constructing the tree view (PR82203) Workbench: Take resizing into account when figuring out whether or not there are conflicts when opening a bookmark (PR80829); Do not restore order on recollapse if the user hadn't explicitly changed it. (PR81839) SchemaMapper: Fixed problem where default value was applied even though no default value attribute was specified (PR#82506) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18430 20180305 ------------------------------ Microsoft Azure: Use JDBC to test connections on Linux/macOS (PR#61735). C117612 MapTextLabeller: Upgrade to v3.0.70 (PR#77160). FeatureReader: Support table listing for embedded Amazon Web Services formats (PR#82495) Workbench: Fix problem where Rejected Feature Handling behaviour was different when workspace was run on FME Server vs running in Workbench (PR#75315) C122593 C132639 C131181 Workbench: Fix regression where full dataset name was shown in navbar for some formats (PR#82311) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18429 20180303 ------------------------------ Coordinate systems: Add Esri exception for NAD27.BLM-13N.ft_FME system (PR 82492) C134943 AVF: Force non-string SCHEMA_ONLY attributes to their correct type. (PR82535) GeoPackage, Spatialite, Elasticsearch, CARTO, MongoDB, CouchDB, : Improved performance (PR#81701) Workbench: Adjust RCaller so R Script expands faster than table (PR82375) Attribute Connections Dialog: Improve attribute name matching (PR#82481) C134850 Workbench: Change 'Getting Started' menu to start with the welcome window. Adjust sizing to avoid scrollbars if possible (PR81951) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18428 20180301 ------------------------------ Coordinate systems: Add NAD27.BLM-13N.ft_FME / EPSG::4113 (PR#82492) C134943 ExcelStyler: Add missing messages (PR#82444) Custom Transformers: When running a workspace containing linked custom transformers, with Log Debug option enabled, don't print Could not log mapping file contents, as all or part of the mapping file is password protected unless one of the custom transformers really is password-protected. (PR#82477) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18427 20180228 ------------------------------ Workspace: Disable grid snapping when drag arrow close to a potential target (PR#82289) XLSX Writer: Allow XLSX custom format strings to use all UTF-8 characters (PR#81107) QuickTranslator: Avoid crash at shutdown by correctly cleaning up UI objects. (PR#82439) FFS: Improve write performance for features with millions of attributes (PR#81744). XMLSampleGenerator: Expose annotation information (PR#42665) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18426 20180227 ------------------------------ FMEServerResourceConnector: Sorted list of folders and files returned when listing folder. (PR82350) StatisticsCalculator: Improved handling of bad computer math and overflow for Standard Deviation. (PR82288) C134629 Intersector: Added additional log message. (PR#72424) MeshSimplifier: Clarified a rejection reason (PR#81876) VertexSnapper: Don't crash when arcs within aggregates collapse. (PR#82404) MeshSimplifier: Added warnings for bad meshes in collections (PR#82298) JSON/XML Transformers: Add fme_rejection_code (PR#81390) (PR#82033) (PR#81961) (PR#65693) C134351 Workbench: Add error checking when encrypting workspaces (PR82070) C134542 GeometryValidator: Fixed crash for geometries with no vertices (PR#82382) Workbench: Don't try to write to feature types not participating in partial run (PR#82356) Installer: Fix URL to installation doc. (PR#82278) Mitab: Improve wording of encoding source log messages (PR#79575) JSONExtracter/JSONFragmenter: Added tree view (PR#73855) Python: Added Unicode support for Python scripted parameters and FME_MacroValues. (PR#81776) C134133 Workbench: Make save operations more robust in the face of errors (PR82070) C134542 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18425 20180225 ------------------------------ MapInfo / Sweref: Fix bounds to avoid truncation in Eastern Sweden (PR#82361) C134872 DI: Display Control: Fixed incorrect number of features (PR#82346) CSMapReprojector: tranlsation should be spelt translation (PR#81937) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18424 20180223 ------------------------------ PowerPointStyler: Fix installer bug affecting map fill and border patterns (PR#81602) DI: Display Control: Fix the initial feature type icons (PR#82295) Workbench: Add support for FitBit web service (PR77915) C134637 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18423 20180222 ------------------------------ DI: 2D: Fixed crash in the rendering worker process when a point icon is specified. (PR#82295) XLSX Writer: Fix issue where dropping and writing to a named range would cause a malformed output (PR#82292) C132131 Canvas: Added support for inserting loggers (Ctrl+Shift+L) when links are selected (PR#50769) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18422 20180220 ------------------------------ MapTextLabeller: Fix logging about missing fonts (PR#49564). C84243 PointOnAreaOverlayer: Improve performance for large areas by chopping. (PR#81993) Workbench: Properly handle dataset editing when the dataset parameter is linked to a published parameter whose value embeds published parameter (PR82116) Workbench: Adjust order so v2 is before v1 (PR82257) C134708 MSSQL_SPATIAL: Remove password from connection key when logging on shutdown (PR#81499) C105099 BoundingBoxReplacer: Improved precision for oriented arcs (PR#81184) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18421 20180219 ------------------------------ CurveFitter: Avoided buffer overflow (PR#81952) SurfaceDraper: Added full support for arcs and orientedArcs (PR#77040) Geodatabase: Enable rich geometry metadata reading & fix fme_type for metadata (PR82179) Workbench: Change name of TestFilter transformers to be more user friendly (PR82077) DI: Fixed slow 2D rendering for feature table. (PR#82126) SHAREPOINT: Remove inapplicable Show All Fields in navigator. (PR82232) C134622 DI: 2D: Fixed feature selection errors when selection is done before Reader is ready (PR#81727) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18420 20180218 ------------------------------ CityGML Writer: Fixed clothoid and oriented arc error messages, also fixed error in the ADE_XSD_DOC writer parameter, PR81782. ProjectWiseConnector: Added ProjectWise transformer's dependent .fme files to installer. (PR#52306) C93265 C93711 C94696 C98879 C100579 C104052 C112295 C112541 C121030 C122557 C124501 C124553 C127675 C133477 C134208 Workbench: Don't keep a handle to the workspace's directory after a File->Close operation. (PR#8337) MeshSimplifier: Simplify by the number of triangles instead of vertices, change the default simplification mode to relative, removed the default value for the maximum number of triangles (PR#82209, PR#82218) PRC Writer: Added warning for unsupported texture wrapping styles. (PR#60155) Geocoder: Add optional radius parameter to HERE reverse geocoding. (PR78478) GeometryValidator: Clarified rule name (PR#82184) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18419 20180215 ------------------------------ WMS Reader: Allow search envelope to be always specified in x, y-axis order, the WMS reader will swap the axis order for the GetMap request according to crs in WMS v1.3, PR81971. C134440 JDBC: Hive - add Hive reader to licensing and SQLExecutor / SQLCreator (PR57118) C106094 C118761 C123842 C130118 JSONFragmenter: Added option to name output attribute (PR#82175) GoogleDriveConnector: Removed uploaded file from root folder. (PR#82134) PowerPointWriter: Fix bug in writing tables with Python 3.4+ (PR#82176) Coordinate Systems: Add additional GDA2020 coordinate systems (PR81722) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18418 20180214 ------------------------------ Workbench: Fix error writing Geodatabase metadata when run with feature caching is enabled (PR#79394) ProjectWiseConnector: Fixed the web as file system definition. (PR#52306) C93265 C93711 C94696 C98879 C100579 C104052 C112295 C112541 C121030 C122557 C124501 C124553 C127675 C133477 C134208 PowerPointWriter and PowerPointStyler: Implement option to wrap label text for maps (PR#81628) ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Support reading and writing Z and M, including NaN. (PR80910) C133050 JDBC: Apache Hive reader support (PR57118) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18417 20180213 ------------------------------ PowerPointWriter and PowerPointStyler: Improvement and bug fix for image scaling (PR#82108) Canvas: Improved layout when concurrently inserting multiple Inspectors or Loggers (PR#52102) Workbench: Fix inspect issues on caches loaded from workspace templates (PR#82123) Python FME Objects: Add FMESpatialIndex. (PR#80711) C132831 OBJ: Reader: correctly interpret the 'Tr' transparency setting in the materials file. (PR#81995) QVX Writer: Added coordinate precision parameter, PR78515. DensityCalculator: Preserved value of onlyVector flag (PR#75069) Workbench: Change attribute failed null check message (PR82051) C134526 PowerPointWriter: Add warning that strikethrough is not supported (PR#82053) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18416 20180210 ------------------------------ Cesium 3D Tiles: Update writer to support latest version of Cesium. (PR81773) C134167 S3Connector: Improve List performance. (PR81873) XMLFragmenter: Fixed rejected features disappearing (PR#81959) C134350 MeshSimplifier: Improved simplification of mesh boundaries (PR#81886) PowerPointWriter: Fix bug in custom text styling (PR#82063) DensityCalculator: Improved rejection behaviour in a new version (PR#75069) GEODATABASE: Enable clothoid and oriented arc writing (PR81545) Transformers: Support cutting, copying and pasting of conditionals (PR#81607) FMEMesh: Changed storage of colors to FME_Real64 (PR#82047) Workbench: Exclude disabled nodes for partial run highlighting (PR#81881) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18415 20180208 ------------------------------ DI: 2D: Fixed incorrect Zoom to Selected Feature (PR#81968) FMEMesh: Updated mesh colours to have same interpretation as FME color (PR#82047) Workbench (Mac Only): Workbench (Mac Only) : Fixed problem where application won't quit (PR#81938) Workbench: Allow creation of published parameter from dataset editor dialog (PR82025) C134487 DI: Specially display Feature Cache datasets in Display Control (PR#80823) Coordinate Systems: Warn users when choosing auto pick transformation from GDA94 -> GDA2020 (PR81958) MSWordWriter: Fix bug in writing tables with Python 3.4+ (PR#82035) Bufferer: Cleaned up GUI definitions to fix localization issues (PR#81972) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18414 20180207 ------------------------------ SALESFORCE: Improve SQL editor help links. (PR82006) SalesforceConnector: Add to Mac and Linux. (PR82021) Update Dataset: Ensure published parameter type matches dataset parameter type (PR#81152) JSONTransformers: Add read from file and URL (PR#56265) Geodatabase: Suppress currently-broken column picker in the Mosaic Dataset writer where clause GUI. Will re-add in future. (PR81629) OBJ: Writer: Fixed the transparency value in the material file according to the specification (PR#79399) Workbench: Add context menu option and shortcut key to inspect selected caches (PR80823) JDBC Readers: Fixed Where clauses being shared between readers (PR81976) C134466 Update Dataset: Fixed handling of named connections, fixed undo-redo, improved parameter matching (PR#81152) DI: Table View: Avoid clearing existing feature selection unnecessarily. (PR#81710) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18413 20180206 ------------------------------ XLSX Writer: Writer performance improvements (PR#80944) GeometryRefiner: Preserved OrientedArcs (PR#81980) ProjectWiseConnector: Added initial implementation of connector. (PR#52306) C93265 C93711 C94696 C98879 C100579 C104052 C112295 C112541 C121030 C122557 C124501 C124553 C127675 C133477 C134208 OSMReader: Fixed search envelope working when option unchecked (PR#81849) FBX: Allow reading feature type names (filenames) and paths containing non-ASCII characters when system encoding is something international. (PR#74201) C125590 C125590 XLSX Writer: No longer ERROR when template sheet selected, but no template file (PR#81651) Sketchup: Ensured circles are read with a sweep angle of 360 (PR#80214) DI: 2D: Fixed a rendering issue that caused geometries disappear. (PR#81642) C134423 PowerPointWriter: Implement full support for setting map fill patterns (PR#81602) S3Connector: Added amazons3connector module to Linux installer. (PR#81910) MeshSimplifier: Reduced number of mesh simplification calls (PR#81898) MSWordStyler and PowerPointStyler: Move Column Header input for tables to match other interfaces (PR#81677) PowerPointStyler: Change name of Image Slide subtype to match user interface (PR#81609) S3Connector: Add Include Subfolders option to List operation. (PR81665) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18412 20180205 ------------------------------ Workbench: (macOS) Don't provide disabled Quit menu option when quick tour dialog is shown at startup. (PR#81938) Installer: Don't show licensing dialog in engine installer. (PR#77008) Date/time: Don't crash when placing DateTimeConverter if timezone data cannot be loaded (PR#80188) C132203 C134159 C134252 Workbench: Fix crash happening on some Windows systems on startup (PR#81922) Performance: Serialize feature type and coordinate system names using IDs (PR#80197). Installer: Don't change database port in silent install if it is already specified. (PR#77701) Mac: Added an Info.plist in install/bin for fmeobjectsworker to hide it from dock. (PR#81597) Workbench: Properly upgrade SliverRemover version 0 to AreaGapandOverlapCleaner (PR81885) Transformers: Improve performance of embedded conditionals by caching the parsed conditionals (PR81748) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18411 20180204 ------------------------------ Installer: Cleanup python directory on uninstall. (PR#77937) C132441 C132525 MSWordWriter: Fix bug in writing non-string attributes to text elements (PR#81807) C133938 3DForcer: Prevented a crash due to invalid string input (PR#81059) S3Connector: Make Encryption and Permissions required parameters. (PR81697) FMEClothoid: Fixed flattening of global startPoint elevation (PR#81907) Canvas: Don't add Loggers and Inspectors to output ports which already have them and change action to remove (PR#51130) Workbench: Make Excel Writer attribute picker match the styler (PR81882) MeshSimplifier: Added collection support (PR#81898) Installer: Update FlexLM version to 11.15. (PR#81820) MeshSimplifier: Added more logging (PR#81876) PowerPointWriter: Converted transformer to a Writer (PR#79707) MSWordStyler: Modify table Column Values to take input directly from user (PR#81667) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18410 20180201 ------------------------------ GEODATABASE: Mosaic Dataset Fanout Bugfix (PR80893) OSMReader: Modified GUI value for backwards compatibility (PR#81856) MSWordWriter: Fixed typographical error in error message (PR#81700) New Format: FME Augmented Reality (AR) Writer (PR#81788) ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Handle variant in how server returns attachment body. (2) (PR81826) C134288 Workbench: Fixed Help for linked transformers to work when selecting from Quick Add (PR81638) C134013 Generalizer: Support invalid geometries in ODR mode (PR#81855) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18409 20180201 ------------------------------ SalesforceConnector: Revision for initial release. (PR79253) TESTER: Fix table rendering issues on Mac (PR80788) 3DAffiner: Improved robustness for arcs (PR#81692) Installer: Upgrade JRE to 1.8u161. (PR#80050) Workbench: Fix the extra row in the Tester GUI (PR81598). Preserve 'automatic' in some situations when reopening the dialog (PR81504) C133927 WFS reader: Fixed SEARCH ENVELOPE MAXY corruption, PR81786 C134168 Data Inspector: Fix crash when viewing data in 3D (PR#80694,PR#80683) Transformers: Fix forward/backward lookup in AttributeCreator of attributes that start with fme_ (PR81797) C134279 MSSQL: Insert space between link and full stop in error message (PR#81652) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18408 20180130 ------------------------------ GEODATABASE: Add unicode support for coded domain (PR17258) ARCGISONLINEFEATURES: Handle variant in how server returns attachment body. (PR81826) C134288 FFS reader: Only filter feature types when a spatial index is available (PR#81672). Workbench: Complete the change to make bookmarks filled by default (PR81324) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18407 20180129 ------------------------------ AVF: Don't write empty strings for default language label values (PR81618) Workbench: Fix regression when test clause parameter is published (PR81747) DirectX: Emphasized log message (PR#74205) C133382 Workbench: Fix problem where features were routed from one feature type because the feature type name was set to published parameters (PR#81179) C133235 WFS reader: Fix xml_point_cloud metafile error, PR81721. C134211 Bufferer: Standardized rejection behaviour from commandline (PR#81212) C133386 SurfaceDissolver: Allowed CSG and rectangleFace input (PR#81528) SVGWriter: Fixed style when using attribute value for FeatureTypeName (PR#81204) General: Fix for paste on empty row in tables (PR#81661) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18406 20180127 ------------------------------ TDE Writer: Added support for writing OrientedArcs (PR81595) GML and JSON writers: Amend previous and revert to old behaviour if max decimal digits is not specified, PR81696. GeoJSON: Modify warning about reprojecting to WGS84 (PR#81608) AttributeRange: Added copy/paste in AttributeRange tables (PR#81662) FeatureWriter: Fixed problem where right clicking an output port and selecting Inspect won't display schema in Data Inspector (PR#78501) AreaGapAndOverlapCleaner: Removed the numeric hint from the priority attribute parameter (PR#81335) Workbench: Handle collapsing bookmark where all input/output links go to the same port (PR81664) Workbench: Draw canvas object's drag target arrow slightly lower to avoid being covered by toolbar (PR#81640) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18405 20180125 ------------------------------ GeoJSON/GML writers: Fixed max precision parameter for XML and JSON writing, PR81696. Conditional Map: Fixed conditional statement multi-selection pasting bug (PR#81661) FMEWorkbench: Update look and feel of Visual Preview in Workbench (PR#78663) OSMWriter: Support tags for nodes/ways/relations (PR#81352) C133800 Workbench: Allow breakpoints to be added/removed/enabed/disabled while a workspace is running. (PR#81596) TableWidget and AttributeValidator: Copy and paste improvements and fixed crash on pasting in last blank row (PR#81611 PR#81661) GG,MGE: Restrict database types by platform. (PR80219) C132150 ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18404 20180124 ------------------------------ JPEG Writer: Support writing EXIF tags (PR#36974) C62886 C63622 C80549 C91711 C99915 C103581 C108723 C110232 C122411 C122824 C133245 Installer: Move ESRI splash and include it in the bundle. (PR#77909) C127707 XMLFragmenter: Allow input data set from URL (PR#78067) C127652 Intersector: Direction attribute is optional on features going through the Intersected port. (PR#72074) AreaGapAndOverlapCleaner: Fixed bug in the longest boundary repair mode (PR#81335) POSTGRES: Add ISO support to time and timestamp writing (PR#81334) Update Dataset: Ensure when operation is cancelled, all state information is cleared (PR#81592) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18403 20180123 ------------------------------ FileGDB reader: Fixed reading string attributes where the first value in the table is null (PR#81513). C133735 GOOGLESHEETS: Skip features with unrecognized Writer modes. (PR81568) Writers: Changed coordinate system granularity to feature for non-spatial formats (PR#81282) MapInfo Extended writer: Fixed crash when writing clothoid or oriented arc (PR#81548). Workbench: Show splash screen after license check (PR#66107) MSWordWriter: Add default name for MSWordWriter feature type (PR#79706) C127003 Workbench: Rename 'Full Inspection' mode to 'Feature Caching' (PR#80846) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18402 20180122 ------------------------------ FFS writer: Fixed attributes being dropped in Strict mode when the attribute name is invalid for the system encoding (PR#79656). DI: 2D: Render using a worker process (PR#79879) Workbench: Add datetime mode to Tester (PR81537) MSWord Writer: Restrict user-set width to range accepted by Microsoft Word (PR#81206) JSONFragmenter: Added NUKERS to new version of JSONFragmenter (PR#81182) C133663 Workbench: Remove Mapzen web service and prevent re-running migration when using a database with a newer but compatible schema (PR81291) GeoPackage, Spatialite, CARTO, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, CouchDB, : Added support for reading/writing null attribute values (PR#76118) Workbench: Reset 'drag' cursor after mouse button is released. (PR#80811) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18401 20180120 ------------------------------ Text File Reader: Allow reading compressed zip files to work when reading Whole File at Once (PR#80992) C133209 FeatureJoiner: Set fme_rejection_code on rejected features (PR#81511). TDE Writer: Fixed writing geometry in dynamic mode (PR#80284 ) C132284 MSWordStyler: Fixed problem with conditional text values (PR#81175) MSWordWriter: Converted Transformer into Writer (PR#79706) C127003 Installer: Fix Queue service uninstallation (PR#81466) FeatureWriter: Fixed failure when writing features read from certain formats (e.g. CSV) to a format that requires name mangling (e.g. POSTGRES) (PR#80265). Workbench: Fix down arrow in choice (PR81024) CSV reader: Fixed reading values from attribute names that are not representable in system encoding (PR#81469). FeatureJoiner: Renamed from Joiner (PR#81440). S3Connector: Added London, Paris, and Ningxia regions to S3Connector. (PR#81058, PR#81431) C133377 JDBC - Teradata: Improve CLOB and BLOB reading performance (PR80490) Installer: Don't install the queue in engine only installs. (PR#81405) HTMLReportGenerator: Fixed keyboard up and down key and remove row button bug when changing item selection (PR#81455) Workbench: Fix crash when right click bookmarks. Fix links not reappearing when opening a bookmark that contains nested bookmarks (PR81228) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18400 20180117 ------------------------------ POSTGRES: Add writing tag to redshift metafile (PR#81334) MeshSimplificationFactory: Add Linux and MacOS Support PR#81359 Path Reader: Added GUI option to recurse into subdirectories (PR#81187) Geocoder: Remove Mapzen. (PR81292) POSTGRES Writer: Add tag to keep preserve compatibility with writing with no UTC offsets (PR#81334) MULTI: Clean up some multi-reader messages. (PR#81048) PointCloudCombiner: Reject features with invalid geometry instead of crashing (PR#81098). C133321 Transformers: Fix bug in attribute has value when dealing with system encoded strings (PR81188) Rasterizer: Reduced memory usage (PR#80643). Workbench: Added duplicate option for tables that support copy and paste (PR#79985) ------------------------------ FME 2018.1.2.1 b18247 20180115 ------------------------------